Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Essay on Analysis of Hamlet - 1472 Words
In Hamlet, by William Shakespeare, the author demonstrates a lot of corruption and rottenness in Denmark. He does this a few different ways; one way is by showing the corruption of the parents in the play and showing the effect they have on their children and the society that surrounds them. There are a few main adult characters in the play, each one with their own secrets and their own character defects that affect almost everyone around them. One main thing that the author explains is that the older generation has no respect for the younger generation, Hamlet, Ophelia, and Laertes. Shakespeare illustrates that almost all the adult characters in the play are defined by their self-centeredness. The characters are also described as†¦show more content†¦Her reason is a better one though; because she wants to see what is happening with her too much changed son (II.ii.36). In act I.ii, as Hamlet grieves his fathers death, Claudius disrespects him; essentially he tells Haml et to get over it and that all fathers die some time. The author shows here how the parents actions can have a negative effect on their children. If Hamlet is to take how Claudius acts as normal, then he could act the same way towards his children; showing almost no compassion and only wanting what is best for himself. None of the characteristics are something that a good father should portray. Claudius describes Hamlets grief as; Tis unmanly grief referring to the fact that Hamlet has been grieving too long (I.ii.94). Hamlet needs time to mourn and Claudius feels that he can dictate how long Hamlet can mourn for. Polonius is also very disrespectful of his children. He is always telling Ophelia, his daughter, how to act and that she cannot talk to Hamlet or see him. Polonius tells Ophelia I would not...As to give words or talk with Lord Hamlet(I.iii.133-135). Polonius also says that, Tis to much proved-that with devotions visage/ And pious action we do sugar oer/The devil himself (III.i.44-49). Polonius talks about how people can sometimes cover up the devious things that they do by pretending to be something that they are not. Polonius understands this concept well because he is one of those types ofShow MoreRelatedHamlet Analysis : Hamlet 1149 Words  | 5 PagesEnglish December 7, 2015 Hamlet Analysis Prince Hamlet is a man who enjoys contemplating difficult philosophical questions. When his father the king of Denmark, was killed by his uncle. when Hamlet returns he sees his ghost after he returns home to find evidence of his father’s death. The Ghost of Hamlet tells Prince Hamlet that his uncle Claudius his uncle was the one who killed his father with poison of the ear. 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