Thursday, May 21, 2020
Essay The Hamlet Paradigm - 4539 Words
The Hamlet Paradigm Central Question of the Play How does an individual react when he develops an obsession with destroying the powerful force ruling his country, yet risks experiencing psychological estrangement, occurring at multiple levels within himself, if he attempts to destroy that force? This is the central question that Shakespeare explores in his play Hamlet, which is a character study of an individual harboring just such an obsession, entailing just such a risk. Introduction That Hamlet is obsessed with destroying the powerful force ruling his country (Claudius) is plainly evident in the play. But while this obsession initiates Hamlet’s behavior, it is his additional realization, that he risks psychological†¦show more content†¦Moral estrangement: Hamlet is also principled in a moral, or more generally a normative, sense. To kill a king would mean violating his internal conviction against committing crimes that might harm the hierarchical order of a state’s government. His generally principled nature is shown by his refusal to gather together a mob to oust Claudius, as Laertes attempts to do later in the play, even though he knew that he had the ability to do so. The fact that he knew this is shown by the fact that Claudius explicitly knew this of Hamlet. One may safely assume that Hamlet’s understanding of how politics works is virtually identical to that of Claudius and Hamlet Sr. The general similarity in how these blood relatives think and feel emerges from both of them professing their psychological reliance on Gertrude’s support of them. 3. Estrangement from countrymen: It is true that Hamlet has both the capacity to organize a mob of supporters to overthrow Claudius and is loved by most of his countrymen (to the point where, as Claudius admits, Claudius cannot openly think, feel or act in a hostile manner towards Hamlet). However, Hamlet is unable to organize such a mob for this purpose due to his principled nature, which prohibits him from doing so. Without this option, the only way for him to avenge his father’s death is by himself alone taking action against Claudius. Essentially, then, he is one man up against a king and his army of soldiers, spies and friends. Against suchShow MoreRelatedHamlet O What a Rogue and Peasant Slave Am I775 Words  | 4 Pagesaudience deeper insights into Hamlets internal conflicts surrounding his attempt to fulfil his pledge of avenging his fathers death. In this soliloquy Shakespeare has revealed Hamlet feelings of inadequacy due to his inability to act and the reasons behind his inaction. Shakespeare also uses this soliloquy to set up the play within the play as the climax at which point Hamlet will be forced to be the revenging son. From the beginning of the play it is obvious that Hamlet is extremely depressed andRead More Hamlet Essay1538 Words  | 7 Pages Hamlet and his Games In the play â€Å"Hamlet†by William Shakespeare, Prince Hamlet uses many double meaning phrases to speak his mind to the audience and the other characters in the play. quot;I am but mad north-north-west: when the wind is southerly I know a hawk from a handsawquot; (II.ii.387-8). This is a classic example of the quot;wild and whirling wordsquot; with which Hamlet hopes to persuade people to believe that he is mad. These words, however, prove that beneath his quot;anticRead MoreThe Characterization Of Hamlet By William Shakespeare1009 Words  | 5 Pagesdistinctive characterisation of Hamlet presents a sympathetic protagonist whose descent into immorality is derived from his struggle to find his place within opposing paradigms. Hamlet, the epitome of revenge tragedy, acts as a microcosm to the inherent struggles between Renaissance humanism and traditional beliefs in their understanding of morality. Immediately departing from the conventional tragic hero defined by his actio ns, Shakespeare’s characterisation of Hamlet through his iconic soliloquiesRead MoreAnalysis Of The Lion King Essay1348 Words  | 6 Pagesarguably the best Disney movie ever, is loosely based off of Hamlet; Mufasa, being the lion version of a King Hamlet, killed by his nefarious, and yet musically gifted, shabby younger brother Scar. This aforementioned, Hamlet has been adapted many times since it’s indeterminate publication sometime between 1599 and 1602. Many a high schoolers have had the honor of reading, or have been forced to read, the powerful and sometimes bawdy words of Hamlet, one of William Shakespeare s greatest works. 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In a report on a visit to Hamlet’s rehearsal, in order to issue the permit; these matters are mentioned: †¢ The prince is too depressed and passive; this shouldn t be the image of a prince. †¢ Three kings are being murdered readily during the play. This ignorance of the Holy authorityRead MoreThe Beginning of My Lifelong Expedition Started with Simons Rock639 Words  | 3 Pagesdiscovered Simon’s Rock, I was inspired by the broad-minded and innovative foundation of the school. I had been spending an immense amount of time and energy in search of an institution that recognized the potential of young scholars and shifted the paradigm that one must be of a certain age before expanding their knowledge. Mid-day on January 27, 2014, I opened my e-mail account expecting to see a new message from the Brown University Summer Pre-College Program to which I was applying, only to discoverRead Moreshakespeare influences16068 Words  | 65 Pages 5. SIGNIFICANCE AND RATIONALE 6. ANALYSIS 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. ABSTRACT This thesis analysis the textual and symbolic similarities between Shakespeare s tragedies Macbeth and Hamlet and William Faulkner s the sound and the furry and Absalom, Absalom!. Faulkner absorbed essential characteristics of Shakespearean tragedies and utilized them consciously and unconsciously in the creation of his own tragic figures. Comparison betweenRead More The Politics of Contemporary Approaches to Shakespeare Essay3166 Words  | 13 Pages2000 film version of Hamlet and the 1996 William Shakespeares Romeo and Juliet, and discuss in particular the ability of these filmic interpretations to passively acknowledge political issues, thus answering some of the concerns of the progressives while not neglecting traditional literature and meaning. The 1996 William Shakespeares Romeo and Juliet staring Leonardo DiCaprio and Claire Danes garnered wide-spread attention and blockbuster crowds. The other film, Hamlet, is less known. ThreeRead MoreAnalysis of Colson Whiteheads The Underground1106 Words  | 4 Pagesemotionally detached from his surroundings; and yet his journalistic attitude makes it so that he has keen intellectual insight into what is going on regarding the symbolic meanings of the John Henry symbolism. Similar to John Henry Days, the protagonist of Hamlet experiences alienation too. The machine of commercialization that threatens to erase the complexity of John Henrys identity leaves Pamela to wonder if the fair, the museum could have ever occurred if he was still alive. Or did he have to give
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Essay on Analysis of Hamlet - 1472 Words
In Hamlet, by William Shakespeare, the author demonstrates a lot of corruption and rottenness in Denmark. He does this a few different ways; one way is by showing the corruption of the parents in the play and showing the effect they have on their children and the society that surrounds them. There are a few main adult characters in the play, each one with their own secrets and their own character defects that affect almost everyone around them. One main thing that the author explains is that the older generation has no respect for the younger generation, Hamlet, Ophelia, and Laertes. Shakespeare illustrates that almost all the adult characters in the play are defined by their self-centeredness. The characters are also described as†¦show more content†¦Her reason is a better one though; because she wants to see what is happening with her too much changed son (II.ii.36). In act I.ii, as Hamlet grieves his fathers death, Claudius disrespects him; essentially he tells Haml et to get over it and that all fathers die some time. The author shows here how the parents actions can have a negative effect on their children. If Hamlet is to take how Claudius acts as normal, then he could act the same way towards his children; showing almost no compassion and only wanting what is best for himself. None of the characteristics are something that a good father should portray. Claudius describes Hamlets grief as; Tis unmanly grief referring to the fact that Hamlet has been grieving too long (I.ii.94). Hamlet needs time to mourn and Claudius feels that he can dictate how long Hamlet can mourn for. Polonius is also very disrespectful of his children. He is always telling Ophelia, his daughter, how to act and that she cannot talk to Hamlet or see him. Polonius tells Ophelia I would not...As to give words or talk with Lord Hamlet(I.iii.133-135). Polonius also says that, Tis to much proved-that with devotions visage/ And pious action we do sugar oer/The devil himself (III.i.44-49). Polonius talks about how people can sometimes cover up the devious things that they do by pretending to be something that they are not. Polonius understands this concept well because he is one of those types ofShow MoreRelatedHamlet Analysis : Hamlet 1149 Words  | 5 PagesEnglish December 7, 2015 Hamlet Analysis Prince Hamlet is a man who enjoys contemplating difficult philosophical questions. When his father the king of Denmark, was killed by his uncle. when Hamlet returns he sees his ghost after he returns home to find evidence of his father’s death. The Ghost of Hamlet tells Prince Hamlet that his uncle Claudius his uncle was the one who killed his father with poison of the ear. 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Collaborative Health Care Free Essays
string(80) " and try to call everyday to the patients scheduled when I have some free time\." Running head : IMPROVE PRODUCTIVITY WITH LEADERSHIP 1 Improve Productivity with Leadership Natalie Misyuk Chamberlain School of Nursing Marilyn Smith NR 447 Collaborative Health care IMPROVE PRODUCTIVITY WITH LEADERSHIP 2 Improve Productivity with Leadership Introduction Working in the VA has made me become a leader, I have been employed here for about 4 years and it feels like family. I started becoming a leader by learning though out my experience from my colleagues of my other jobs that I held and the knowledge I have acquired through my school that helped me prepare for the future. I want to be there for my whole career as a Registered Nurse and as a Leader in my clinic to improve productivity and processes. We will write a custom essay sample on Collaborative Health Care or any similar topic only for you Order Now The two SMART goals that I have choose are: 1. Reduce late and cancelled appointments in the Women’s clinic. 2. To provide the female veterans with the newest technology available on the market. I choose them because I want to be the best nurse advocate to my patients. Goal 1: Leadership Development My leadership development is about being a natural leader. I attend conferences, read books and keep myself updated on the different theories of leadership. I always wondered what kind of leader I would become but over the years I have learned to lead and improve my skills to become a natural leader. It is about certain strategies that you just have to have. Strategic thinking helps you to learn to step back from the day-to-day tactical details and focus on the â€Å"why†, not just the â€Å"what†and â€Å"how†. Being a good listener means to learn to pay attention and demonstrate to others that I value what they have to say. IMPROVE PRODUCTIVITY WITH LEADERSHIP 3 Peer-Reviewed Articles The article that I found is called â€Å"Empowering others to take an active role in patient care†This article talks about how leadership traits are very difficult to apply into the real world when you try to learn them from someone. Each individual is a leader within himself and is a product of individual xperiences, individual opportunities, and individual training who has been exposed to challenging situations, unique opportunities (Sara J. White 2012). It is simply not realistic to think, â€Å"How can I be like her? ,†or in â€Å"How can I be as good a leader as Abraham Lincoln? †When we think about the great leaders that we have come across in our lives, it would be difficult to retrace the knowledge, experiences, and perspectives that shaped their ability and effectiveness. It is difficult to acquire or develop the attributes necessary to be a good leader by seeing examples of ood leadership in others. Good leadership ability will result from applying knowledge useful in situations that require leadership, practicing the skills associated with leadership, and having the desire and motivation to exert these in appropriate situations. (Sara J. White 2012) Leadership is â€Å"about coping with change. â€Å"‘ This requires more specific knowledge, skills, and attitudes. The individual must have the knowledge necessary to be a good leader, including the knowledge necessary to develop a vision, stimulate change, work well with people, and become a person of influence. Credible Websites The website that will help me with the development of my SMART goal talks about â€Å"10 Tips to Improve productivity at work. †by Adam Gurian. It is a business professional website, but it can be applied to anyone that wants to improve processes in their work. He talks about how to quickly manage IMPROVE PRODUCTIVITY WITH LEADERSHIP 4 difficult situations and how to be a leader at work, which will result in productivity in the workplace. The number one is to Act immediately on phone the messages, I never knew how important this is for my patients, but if you can return the phone call back to a patient that is in a great emergency then it can accomplish much maybe even and save the patient’s life. It all starts from the little things that we do as nurses to help our day run smoothly. Another important tool is to organize your tasks for the day, so you can tackle your most important priorities together, you will save time and be more efficient and produce higher quality work. By starting your day ith the most important task, you will increase your productivity and get your day off to a good start. This is a credible website that applies to my specific SMART goal because it talks about different positive ways to get the job done. This website is very helpful for employees in any field to be productive in their job. Informational Expert I have spoke with the Nurse Educator in my job about how to reduce late and ca ncelled appointments in the Women’s Clinic. The nurse educator had informed us, for all the clinics the number one priority to reduce late and cancelled appointment is to make reminder calls at least 2-4 days in advance. We all forget things, and appointments are among the easiest things to lose track of. Appointment cards are helpful, but in the end, a phone call is your best bet. Email, text message and other automated solutions are starting to make some headway, but a good old-fashioned telephone call is still the most effective tool to combat schedule disintegration. We are very busy in our clinic, so not all the time these phone calls are able to be made but for the most part we have to start making it our number one priority. The Nurse Educator told us to create a workbook where we will type everything out; the patients name, date or appointment, time, which doctor and for what reason. In this work book IMPROVE PRODUCTIVITY WITH LEADERSHIP 5 we will keep track of patients who received the call, who the message was left for and who cancelled or just didn’t show up. My goals are to be on top of these reminder phone calls and try to call everyday to the patients scheduled when I have some free time. You read "Collaborative Health Care" in category "Essay examples" In the worst case scenario when phone calls weren’t able to be made, our clerk will send out reminder letters. I can definitely achieve my SMART goal this way, by working together as a team and collaborating with each other to meet our clinics goals. Goal 2: Organizational Planning I know this goal is a difficult one to achieve, because it is all about the timing and the finances of the VA hospital. It is one of the goals for our clinic to have the most recent and newest technology offered to the Women Veterans. A few months ago I went to a conference and I heard about the new Mammography technology that is being offered, which is called Computed Tomography Laser Mammography. This medical imaging technique uses laser energy in the near infrared region of the spectrum, to detect angiogenesis in the breast tissue. The technology uses laser in the same way computed tomography uses X-Rays, these beams travel through tissue and suffer attenuation. It would be great to see my clinic have one of these in the near future, I know how painful getting a mammogram can be and this new way o f getting a laser detector can do the best job pain free. Detect tumors, and any abnormal tissue with this pain free mammogram. Peer-Reviewed Articles The article named â€Å"Exploring the Influence of New Technology Planning and Implementation on the Perceptions of New Technology Effectiveness†by Bellamy, Al talks about that organizations that recently installed new technology bettered the workplace and its effectiveness. Technology is believed IMPROVE PRODUCTIVITY WITH LEADERSHIP 6 to have more effective outcomes when it is integrated systematically within an organization’s strategy process. Organizations that have good leadership, have good decision-making processes, and rganizational policies and procedures. Organization with new technology is much more effective in every way. An organization that is characterized by its members as being rigid and unwilling to change would probably approach new technology planning and implementation differently than an organization described as open and that does not resist change. There may also be parallel differences in the effectiveness in which new technology is deployed. T he perceived climate of the organization may mediate the relationship among technology, the planning processes, and the perceived effectiveness of he deployment of technology (Bellamy, 2009). This all means that new technology in the workplace is for the better in every way, and the number one goal is to to better patient outcomes. The way that this article relates to my SMART goal, is by talking about that new technologies improves production and patient satisfaction. Credible Websites The website that talks about why technology is very beneficial to the workplace because it simplifies and reduces the labor involved to complete the task at hand. Technology is the use of any tool that was developed by man to enhance the productivity of any given task. This website has a different approach about technology because it does not talk about the medical field with its new technologies, but it talks about technologies in the work place. This specific website talks about farmers utilizing various technologies to increase their farm production. New farm technologies improved in quality production and more foreign exchange was brought into our country because of this. The way that this IMPROVE PRODUCTIVITY WITH LEADERSHIP 7 ebsite applies to my SMART goal is by talking about new technologies benefiting any work environment to improve the quality of the produce. The actual website is http://www. fiji. gov. fj Informational Expert My nursing manager has told my team that it is a great goal that we have thought of, however it is something that will take place not until the year 2015. The financial situation is very bad right now with the VA Hospital, after the hurricane Sandy, the Manhattan VA was destroyed which put us in great financial los s. New technologies are on their way but we will just have to wait. My nurse manager recommended that the patients that are in a lot of pain doing mammograms the old way, can be referred to an outside specialty clinic that provide these types of special services with laser Mammography machines. Summary I have learned a lot in this research paper, being a leader in the work environment lets me realize that there are many things to look out for to keep the clinic running smoothly. Make pre-visit telephone calls is one great goal that I came up with, with the Nurse educator in order to improve productivity and efficiency. My goal is to continue learning about different leadership styles in my workplace and to continue to build and lead high performing teams is especially in the Women’s Clinic. We must work closely together and wear many different hats to effectively meet our company’s demands. I appreciated doing this research and learned a lot about how we can improve quality and productivity. Creating an environment that will promote problem solving is part of creating an effective team. My informational expert has taught me that you should never be afraid to communicate whatever it is you want to learn IMPROVE PRODUCTIVITY WITH LEADERSHIP 8 more about, because it will only help you learn something new, you can never be wrong from asking a question instead of doing something without the correct answer. References Bellamy AL. (2007). Exploring the Influence of New Technology Planning and Implementation on the Perceptions of New Technology Effectiveness. Journal of Technology Studies, v33 n1 p32-40. 9 pp. White SJ ; Wilkin NE ; McElroy SR. (2012). Leadership development: Empowering others to take an active role in patient care. Journal of the American Pharmacists Association:(J AM PHARM ASSOC), 2012 May 1; 52 (3): 308-18. http://www. businessnewsdaily. com/3272-improve-productivity-tips. html http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Computed_tomography_laser_mammography http://www. fiji. gov. fj/index. php? option=com_contentview=articleid=739:technologies-improve-productioncatid=97:featuresItemid=198 How to cite Collaborative Health Care, Essay examples
Collaborative Health Care Free Essays
string(80) " and try to call everyday to the patients scheduled when I have some free time\." Running head : IMPROVE PRODUCTIVITY WITH LEADERSHIP 1 Improve Productivity with Leadership Natalie Misyuk Chamberlain School of Nursing Marilyn Smith NR 447 Collaborative Health care IMPROVE PRODUCTIVITY WITH LEADERSHIP 2 Improve Productivity with Leadership Introduction Working in the VA has made me become a leader, I have been employed here for about 4 years and it feels like family. I started becoming a leader by learning though out my experience from my colleagues of my other jobs that I held and the knowledge I have acquired through my school that helped me prepare for the future. I want to be there for my whole career as a Registered Nurse and as a Leader in my clinic to improve productivity and processes. We will write a custom essay sample on Collaborative Health Care or any similar topic only for you Order Now The two SMART goals that I have choose are: 1. Reduce late and cancelled appointments in the Women’s clinic. 2. To provide the female veterans with the newest technology available on the market. I choose them because I want to be the best nurse advocate to my patients. Goal 1: Leadership Development My leadership development is about being a natural leader. I attend conferences, read books and keep myself updated on the different theories of leadership. I always wondered what kind of leader I would become but over the years I have learned to lead and improve my skills to become a natural leader. It is about certain strategies that you just have to have. Strategic thinking helps you to learn to step back from the day-to-day tactical details and focus on the â€Å"why†, not just the â€Å"what†and â€Å"how†. Being a good listener means to learn to pay attention and demonstrate to others that I value what they have to say. IMPROVE PRODUCTIVITY WITH LEADERSHIP 3 Peer-Reviewed Articles The article that I found is called â€Å"Empowering others to take an active role in patient care†This article talks about how leadership traits are very difficult to apply into the real world when you try to learn them from someone. Each individual is a leader within himself and is a product of individual xperiences, individual opportunities, and individual training who has been exposed to challenging situations, unique opportunities (Sara J. White 2012). It is simply not realistic to think, â€Å"How can I be like her? ,†or in â€Å"How can I be as good a leader as Abraham Lincoln? †When we think about the great leaders that we have come across in our lives, it would be difficult to retrace the knowledge, experiences, and perspectives that shaped their ability and effectiveness. It is difficult to acquire or develop the attributes necessary to be a good leader by seeing examples of ood leadership in others. Good leadership ability will result from applying knowledge useful in situations that require leadership, practicing the skills associated with leadership, and having the desire and motivation to exert these in appropriate situations. (Sara J. White 2012) Leadership is â€Å"about coping with change. â€Å"‘ This requires more specific knowledge, skills, and attitudes. The individual must have the knowledge necessary to be a good leader, including the knowledge necessary to develop a vision, stimulate change, work well with people, and become a person of influence. Credible Websites The website that will help me with the development of my SMART goal talks about â€Å"10 Tips to Improve productivity at work. †by Adam Gurian. It is a business professional website, but it can be applied to anyone that wants to improve processes in their work. He talks about how to quickly manage IMPROVE PRODUCTIVITY WITH LEADERSHIP 4 difficult situations and how to be a leader at work, which will result in productivity in the workplace. The number one is to Act immediately on phone the messages, I never knew how important this is for my patients, but if you can return the phone call back to a patient that is in a great emergency then it can accomplish much maybe even and save the patient’s life. It all starts from the little things that we do as nurses to help our day run smoothly. Another important tool is to organize your tasks for the day, so you can tackle your most important priorities together, you will save time and be more efficient and produce higher quality work. By starting your day ith the most important task, you will increase your productivity and get your day off to a good start. This is a credible website that applies to my specific SMART goal because it talks about different positive ways to get the job done. This website is very helpful for employees in any field to be productive in their job. Informational Expert I have spoke with the Nurse Educator in my job about how to reduce late and ca ncelled appointments in the Women’s Clinic. The nurse educator had informed us, for all the clinics the number one priority to reduce late and cancelled appointment is to make reminder calls at least 2-4 days in advance. We all forget things, and appointments are among the easiest things to lose track of. Appointment cards are helpful, but in the end, a phone call is your best bet. Email, text message and other automated solutions are starting to make some headway, but a good old-fashioned telephone call is still the most effective tool to combat schedule disintegration. We are very busy in our clinic, so not all the time these phone calls are able to be made but for the most part we have to start making it our number one priority. The Nurse Educator told us to create a workbook where we will type everything out; the patients name, date or appointment, time, which doctor and for what reason. In this work book IMPROVE PRODUCTIVITY WITH LEADERSHIP 5 we will keep track of patients who received the call, who the message was left for and who cancelled or just didn’t show up. My goals are to be on top of these reminder phone calls and try to call everyday to the patients scheduled when I have some free time. You read "Collaborative Health Care" in category "Essay examples" In the worst case scenario when phone calls weren’t able to be made, our clerk will send out reminder letters. I can definitely achieve my SMART goal this way, by working together as a team and collaborating with each other to meet our clinics goals. Goal 2: Organizational Planning I know this goal is a difficult one to achieve, because it is all about the timing and the finances of the VA hospital. It is one of the goals for our clinic to have the most recent and newest technology offered to the Women Veterans. A few months ago I went to a conference and I heard about the new Mammography technology that is being offered, which is called Computed Tomography Laser Mammography. This medical imaging technique uses laser energy in the near infrared region of the spectrum, to detect angiogenesis in the breast tissue. The technology uses laser in the same way computed tomography uses X-Rays, these beams travel through tissue and suffer attenuation. It would be great to see my clinic have one of these in the near future, I know how painful getting a mammogram can be and this new way o f getting a laser detector can do the best job pain free. Detect tumors, and any abnormal tissue with this pain free mammogram. Peer-Reviewed Articles The article named â€Å"Exploring the Influence of New Technology Planning and Implementation on the Perceptions of New Technology Effectiveness†by Bellamy, Al talks about that organizations that recently installed new technology bettered the workplace and its effectiveness. Technology is believed IMPROVE PRODUCTIVITY WITH LEADERSHIP 6 to have more effective outcomes when it is integrated systematically within an organization’s strategy process. Organizations that have good leadership, have good decision-making processes, and rganizational policies and procedures. Organization with new technology is much more effective in every way. An organization that is characterized by its members as being rigid and unwilling to change would probably approach new technology planning and implementation differently than an organization described as open and that does not resist change. There may also be parallel differences in the effectiveness in which new technology is deployed. T he perceived climate of the organization may mediate the relationship among technology, the planning processes, and the perceived effectiveness of he deployment of technology (Bellamy, 2009). This all means that new technology in the workplace is for the better in every way, and the number one goal is to to better patient outcomes. The way that this article relates to my SMART goal, is by talking about that new technologies improves production and patient satisfaction. Credible Websites The website that talks about why technology is very beneficial to the workplace because it simplifies and reduces the labor involved to complete the task at hand. Technology is the use of any tool that was developed by man to enhance the productivity of any given task. This website has a different approach about technology because it does not talk about the medical field with its new technologies, but it talks about technologies in the work place. This specific website talks about farmers utilizing various technologies to increase their farm production. New farm technologies improved in quality production and more foreign exchange was brought into our country because of this. The way that this IMPROVE PRODUCTIVITY WITH LEADERSHIP 7 ebsite applies to my SMART goal is by talking about new technologies benefiting any work environment to improve the quality of the produce. The actual website is http://www. fiji. gov. fj Informational Expert My nursing manager has told my team that it is a great goal that we have thought of, however it is something that will take place not until the year 2015. The financial situation is very bad right now with the VA Hospital, after the hurricane Sandy, the Manhattan VA was destroyed which put us in great financial los s. New technologies are on their way but we will just have to wait. My nurse manager recommended that the patients that are in a lot of pain doing mammograms the old way, can be referred to an outside specialty clinic that provide these types of special services with laser Mammography machines. Summary I have learned a lot in this research paper, being a leader in the work environment lets me realize that there are many things to look out for to keep the clinic running smoothly. Make pre-visit telephone calls is one great goal that I came up with, with the Nurse educator in order to improve productivity and efficiency. My goal is to continue learning about different leadership styles in my workplace and to continue to build and lead high performing teams is especially in the Women’s Clinic. We must work closely together and wear many different hats to effectively meet our company’s demands. I appreciated doing this research and learned a lot about how we can improve quality and productivity. Creating an environment that will promote problem solving is part of creating an effective team. My informational expert has taught me that you should never be afraid to communicate whatever it is you want to learn IMPROVE PRODUCTIVITY WITH LEADERSHIP 8 more about, because it will only help you learn something new, you can never be wrong from asking a question instead of doing something without the correct answer. References Bellamy AL. (2007). Exploring the Influence of New Technology Planning and Implementation on the Perceptions of New Technology Effectiveness. Journal of Technology Studies, v33 n1 p32-40. 9 pp. White SJ ; Wilkin NE ; McElroy SR. (2012). Leadership development: Empowering others to take an active role in patient care. Journal of the American Pharmacists Association:(J AM PHARM ASSOC), 2012 May 1; 52 (3): 308-18. http://www. businessnewsdaily. com/3272-improve-productivity-tips. html http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Computed_tomography_laser_mammography http://www. fiji. gov. fj/index. php? option=com_contentview=articleid=739:technologies-improve-productioncatid=97:featuresItemid=198 How to cite Collaborative Health Care, Essay examples
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