Thursday, August 1, 2019
Safeguarding: Abuse and Child
Chloe Smith CYP Core 3. 3 – Understand how to safeguard the well being of children and young people. 1. 1 – Outline current legislations, guidelines, policies and procedures within UK Home Nation affecting the safeguarding of children and young people. In England the current main legislations and guidelines are: Children’s Act 1989 Children’s Act 2004 United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage 2008 Protection of Children Act 1999 Working together to safeguard Children 2010Police Act 1997 Children’s Act 1989 This act was brought in to simplify existing laws protecting children and young people in the uk. This law gives children and young people equal rights and makes sure their feelings are paramount. It also made sure that the local authorities have a duty to provide a service for children in need and their families. Children’s Act 2004 The children act 2004 was brought into p lace by Lord Laming following the death of Victoria Climbie. The children’s act 2004 amends the children’s act 1989.It makes sure that local services such as the police, social services, education services, the nhs and other agencies all work together to protect vulnerable children. United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child This legislation means that all children have the right to be heard and make their own choices. It also states that they have the basic right to learn and develop into adults without harm. Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage 2008 EYFS is followed by settings to safeguard children and ensure the adults that are in contact the children are safe and capable.Under the Child Protection Act all workers must be CRB checked and all settings must have policies and procedures they follow. Protection of Children Act 1999 This legislations to ensure there is a system in place that keeps a list of individuals identified as unsuita ble for working with children and young people are not offered employment by settings. Safeguarding Children’s Policy This has a policy that states how we work with children, parents and the community to ensure the safety of children.To promote the children’s rights we have to give the child a safe environment that encourages the child to develop skills they will need to use for their adult life. Working with parents to build their understanding of their expectations to alongside the setting help the child. In my setting I would liaise with LSCB, Ofsted and NSPCC. 1. 2 – Explain Child Protection within the wider concept of safeguarding children and young people. As part of my role as a practioner I have a duty of care to safeguard the children this means – Protecting children from maltreatmentPreventing impairment of children’s health or development Ensuring that children feel safe and secure Providing support that helps children to develop their f ull potential. Child protection is a part of safeguarding and promoting welfare. Effective child protection is essential as part of a wider work to promote welfare and safeguard children. 1. 3 – Analyse how national and local guidelines, policies and procedures for safeguarding affect day to day work with children and young people. As a practioner I have to ensure that I keep all children and young people safe in my setting. I will show this in my observation. 1. – Explain when and why inquiries and serious case reviews are required and how the sharing of findings informs practice. Serious case reviews have to be carried out when a child dies ( incuding suspected suicide ) or there has To be a reported case of serious harm to a child . Serious harm to a child includes neglect and abuse. If this happens an inquiry has to be carried out to see if the system failed and if so how it could have been prevented. All cases have to be recorded and reviewed by other agencies suc h as the police, education welfare or hospitals. If as a practioner or other agencies we do not follow the legislations or our olicies and procedures we are not only failing to do our job but we are putting the children at great risk. This is when children could result in being at risk of abuse or even death. In the case of Victoria Climbie agencies did not follow the policies and procedures correctly and did not do their duty of care and keep her safe. There was a lack of communication between the agencies this sadly resulted in victorias death. Communication is vital because without communication no one can fully understand the childs case and keep them safe from more potent ional risk or in this case death.When a serious case is reviewed NSPCC and other agencies have to come up with other suggestions to ensure that what happened to victoria does not happen to other children. 1. 5 – Explain how the processes used by own work setting or service comply with legislation that c overs data protection, information handling and sharing. At my work setting all information about the child has to be kept safe. All files have to be locked away , all information on the computer has to be locked with passwords. The school only collects the necessary information , the Childs name, dob, address, parent/ carer , allergies .The school always has to be informed of any changes to the childs details. If the child moves schools all information has to be deleted. As well as making it part of our job role to keep all this information safe and confidential it is also the safeguarding officers role. 2. 1 – Explain the importance of safeguarding children and young people . At my work setting it is my job role to safeguard the children. I have to give the children equal chances and rights to be safe. Also to progress in their learning and development and to give them the best start in life and to teach them the skills they are going to bring into their adult life.Children need to also be safeguarded from possible neglect or abuse of any kind. If I suspected a child was being abused take for instance if I noticed the childs change in behaviour if they become very angry, violent , scared , withdrawn and also appear with bruises continusly with no explanation I would suspect from the signs that the child was being physically abused. In order to safeguard the child I would have to follow the policies and procedures to either stop or prevent the child coming to any harm. 2. 2 – Explain the importance of a child or young person – centred approach.It is important in my setting to give the child or young person a centred approach because I have to have an understanding of every individual child and understand that they all have different needs. Children all learn at different paces it can all depend on their age, background and many other things. I have to use different ways of supporting the child as some children will benefit from different learning techniques to others and to fulfil my job role I have to take this into consideration when planning for the child although children are all at different levels all child needs to be treated fairly and be given equal opportunities.This is why it is important to build a trusting relationship with the child so I have a good relationship with the child and also the parent so we can both bring out the best in the child because we have a positive relationship with the child which will result in positive outcomes. 2. 3 – Explain what is meant by partnership working in the context of safeguarding. In context to safeguarding it is vital that we work in partnership. This could be with other members of staff to ensure that the environment for the child is a happy and safe one and any information on the child that needs to be shared can be.This is also the case with the parents if we have any concerns about the child or any queries we should have enough of a relationship with th e parent and see if they agree or together we can come up with suggestions that would benefit the child. I need to be in partnership with outside agencies in case there is a situation with the child that I need further advice or support with. Having a partnership with the staff . Parents and outside agencies will not only be following legislations but also be safeguarding the child correctly. 2. – Describe the roles and responsibilities of the different organisations that may be involved when a child or young person has been abused or harmed. Social services – To provide support for vulnerable children and also their families. If necessary the child may have to be taken into care if the parent/ carers are not able to support the child . It is their job to find another suitable home for the child. Psychology service – provides support such as therapy to children or young people who have experienced abuse or neglect. 3. 1 – Explain why it important to ensur e children and young people are protected from harm within the work setting.It is important that I take my responsibility for the children’s safety very important. We are trusted by the parents to keep the children safe. By following my policies and procedures I ensure that I am safeguarding the child. I must make sure that I provide a safe and happy environment for the children to develop. I need to give the children an opportunity to learn and achieve. 3. 2 – Explain policies and procedures that are in place to protect children and young people and adults who work with them. In every setting there has to be a policy and procedures folder.It is important for the policy and procedures to be available for all who enters the setting to see. The parents need to be able to know how we run the setting and deal with situations. The parent needs to be able to understand and trust the work we do in the setting. To keep the children safe we have to do daily risk assessments. We have to make sure that there are the right ratio of workers to children. We have to make sure that everyone knows their own role. Every person that enters the setting needs to sign a visitors book and anyone working with the children needs to be CRB checked.Policies and procedures have to follow guidelines and legislations. 3. 3 – Evaluate ways in which concerns about poor practice can be reported whilst ensuring that whistleblowers and those who practice or behaviour is being questioned are protected. If an employee has a concern they can either talk to their line manager verbally or written. They need express valid points to why there whistle blowing. If they cant talk to the line manager because it involves them then they can contact the senior management team or hr manager.All matters have to be dealt with alongside The standards board for England’s whistle blowing policy and procedure. The head of legal will decide whether it is a concern and the employee will be informed. If you do need to tell your side of the story it must be honest and factual you are not allowed to assume and have to remain professional about the matter. All personal data has to be kept confidential under the Personal Data Protection Act. All enquiries has to give the accused a fair chance to tell their side of the story before a decision is made.Once a decision is made both parties can protest if either feel it has not been dealt with correctly. 3. 4 – Explain how practioners can take steps to protect themselves within their everyday practice in the work setting and on off site visits . There should always be two members of staff when a child is getting undressed, needs assistance in the toilet, Avoid being alone with a child in the classroom or any areas of the setting. If being alone with the child cant be avoided keep a door open and stay where you can always be seen. If a parent or carer is ever late to collect the child make sure that tow members of staff stay behind.Only in very few situations does a child need to be closely touched if the child is injured or needs to be changed. Schools should have guidelines to protect their staff and the children. Risk assessments should always be daily carried out to decrease the risk to the child. There should also be risk assessment t on outings should be carried there should be an outings policy. Under the health and safety act at work means that we have to do risk assessments to reduce the risk and to keep the children safe. 4. 1 – Describe the possible signs, symptoms , indicators and behaviours that may cause concern in the context of safeguarding.As part of my job role to safeguard children and young people I need to be able to spot a child at risk of abuse. There are different types of abuse. One type of abuse is physical abuse signs can include un explained bruising, red marks , pinch marks , swelling , burns or missing hair . The childs behavour may be scared, withdrawn or they could even be angry and violent themselves. Emotinal abuse may leave the child to be withdrawn , low self esteem, lack of confidence , they might have speech problems and find it difficult to make friends or be very clingy.The child may be very over apoligetic when they have done something wrong. Sexual abuse may result in the child having a sexually transmitted disease, cuts,abnormal swelling, discomfort , pain passing urine bloodstains on clothes or underwear . Behaviour may show the child to act in a sexual and inapproiate way , drawing pictures and fear of adults for no clear reason. Signs of neglect may leave the child to have lack of food, they may be obese because of a lack of healthy food, the child may arrive in dirty clothing, dirty skin , infection , they may be ill a lot with no medical attention.The child may be nervous attention seeking or clingy. 4. 2 – Describe the actions to take if a child or young person alleges harm or abuse in line with policies and proce dures of own setting. If a child alleges harm or abuse then I need to comfort the child and ensure them that there not in any trouble but warn them that I cant keep secrets. I will listen to the child carefully but I will not speak I don’t want to influence the child. Whatever the child tells me I will record and only share with my line manager or supervisor. All the records I keep must be locked away as it is confidential. . 3 – Explain the rights that children and young people and their carers have in situation were harm or abuse is suspected or alleged. If a child makes an allegation then I need to protect the child and also inform the child on the action that needs to be taken. The child has the right to be safe but also not to be questioned. Children have the right to make their own descison. 5. 1 – Explain the different types of bullying and the effect that bullying can have on children or young people. There are many types of bullying it can be verbal , p hysical , emotional and cyber bullying.Pysical can be kicking, punching ,hitting, pulling hair . Verbal abuse can be when you threaten, name call and insult someone. Emotional abuse can happen when the person says something to make the person feel low about themselves causing them to be upset. Cyber bullying is done over the internet over social networking sites , e mails , text messages. Bullying can humiliate the child or young person which makes them lack confidence and have low self esteem they may not want to take part in activities causing them to miss out on their learning and development.Being made to feel bad about yourself can lead to self harm or suicide. Anyone can be a victim of bullying so to fulfil my job role I have to ensure that I look out for the signs of bullying. 5. 3 – Explain how to support a child or young person and / or their family when bullying is suspected or alleged . In my work setting If I suspect bullying or the child has alleged bullying I ha ve to support the child and ensure them that they are not in the wrong as the child may worry about having told someone.I have to make the child aware that I cannot keep secrets I will also have to inform the child on what steps im going to take and update them when any progress is made. I would have to record what the child says to me and pass it on to my line manager I would have to keep it confidential and the records locked away. I would have to contact the children’s parents but I would have to be very understanding that the parent may be angry that’s why I would not be able to tell the parents the bullies names or any other details as I still have the responsibility to safeguard all children .I could offer the families outside agencies help such as counselling to help the child build self esteem. 6. 1 – Explain how to support children and young peoples self confidence and self esteem . It is important to always build a Childs confidence as it will help the ir learning and development. By planning the Childs activities to their suitable needs the child will feel able and capable to do their activities. Giving the child jobs to help you may make the child feel good and helpful .My facial expressions could also help the child by smiling and giving the child eye contact and lowering down to their level will make them feel equal. Actions like high five or thumbs up show that I am positive about the child. Using positive words would make a big difference to such as well done! that’s great work! I’m proud of you! Keep it up! Stickers and badges are a good way also because the child can show off their good work or behaviour to peers, other members of staff and their parents . Reward charts are also a good way of monitoring the Childs progress or strength. . 2 – Analyse the importance of supporting resilience in children and young people. In my setting it is important to support resilience because it builds on the childs c onfidence. They will be more likely to be confident and be less likely to be a victim of bullying. 6. 3 – Explain why it is important to work with the child or young person to ensure they have stratigies to protect themselves and make decisions about safety. In my setting it is important that the child makes their own decisions and can also protect themselves and keep them safe from potential harm.They need to have the understanding and confidence to say no and if anything did happen to them they would understand that it is wrong and know to tell an adult. The child needs to understand appropriate behaviour towards members of staff and other peers. Kissing and hugging and sitting on peoples laps doesn’t need to happen. In my setting when your happy with one of your friends or you like them they put their thumbs up to each other this is a way of showing praise and friendliness without having contact. 6. – Explain ways of empowering children and young people to ma ke positive and informed choices that support their well being and safety. By giving children choices it will make them more confident as part of my job I will give them guidance in their choices. If I maintain a positive attitude and make positive decisions in front of the children they will be more inclined to also make the right decision. 7. 1 – Explain the risks and possible consequences for children and young people of being online and of using a mobile phone. Being online can put children in many danger.Children can be very trusting and vulnerable it is easy to talk to strangers and believe they could be someone else. They can be befriended by people they don’t know. This could put them in danger. They can go on social networking sites such as face book and skype and share photos or videos or even enclose personal and private details. They can also be a victim of cyber bullying. Using a mobile phone can make it easier to contact young children allowing them to be contacted by people without their parents knowing or agreeing to they can also be targeted to being robbed if being are aware they own a phone. . 2 – Describe ways of reducing the risk to children and young people. When on the internet you can reduce the risk by only having friends you know to talk to and also not sharing actual pictures or videos with people or any personal information. When having a phone only take numbers off people you know and also giving out your numbers to people you know not having your phone out in public and if you have any numbers that you do not recognise don’t answer it and tell an adult.
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