Monday, September 30, 2019
Effects of Facebook Essay
Social networking sites, most notably Facebook have become so popular today that they are the leading words on the lips of every teenager. Facebook has more than 750 million users today. You love to spend most of your time checking your Facebook updates, but do you know that there are many negative effects of using Facebook. Effects of Facebook on Teenagers Most of the teenagers don’t realize then negative impact of Facebook on their life. And, the main reason is because they are already addicted to it. And, this addiction can lead to several negative developments. You will find 7 negative effects of this social networking site that should encourage you to start avoiding it. The first negative effect of Facebook is that a teenage user starts losing interest in his or her surroundings. You would be addicted to Facebook and the only thing you would be concerned about will be your â€Å"own†world, which is inside Facebook. The second negative effect is that your real-world social interaction will start diminishing. There is no doubt that you are going to have hundreds of friends on Facebook, but with how many of them would you be interacting out in the real world. As a human being, you are a social creature and you naturally require real-world social interaction. When you are going to spend maximum of your time on the Internet, you are going to decrease your communication and social skills. Another negative impact will be on your health. There is a very high chance that excessive use of Facebook leads to the users becoming obese. You would be sitting most of the time in front of the computer, eating snacks and without any physical activities. And, over a period of time you are going to accumulate all the extra pounds. Facebook is also going to minimize your study time. Rather than spending your time on Facebook, you would better start browsing some educational sites that relate to your school course. For Facebook users, family doesn’t come first, but Facebook does. For them their online friends are more important than their family members. The sixth negative effect of Facebook is that your personal data becomes public on this social site, threatening your privacy. This is not reasonable, unless you want to be contacted by hundreds of people that don’t know you. The seventh negative effect of Facebook is that it increases the chances of online conflict. Facebook is populated with immature individuals who create bizarre statuses, upload awkward images and carry out absurd actions. And, this can lead to conflicts between people. Given these negative effects of Facebook it is up to you to decide the degree to which you want this social networking site to enter into your life. Getting addicted to Facebook is certainly going to increase problems in your life, but if you can restrict or avoid the use of this non-productive aspect of your life, you are going to stay away from troubles. Hence, it is up to you to decide how you want to use Facebook.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
How Important Is English in Business
May 2012 ARTICLE PREVIEW To read the full article: Sign in or Register for free. HBR Subscribers activate your free archive access  » http://hbr. org/2012/05/global-business-speaks-english/ar/1 Global Business Speaks English by Tsedal Neeley Ready or not, English is now the global language of business. More and more multinational companies are mandating English as the common corporate languageâ€â€Airbus, Daimler-Chrysler, Fast Retailing, Nokia, Renault, Samsung, SAP, Technicolor, and Microsoft in Beijing, to name a fewâ€â€in an attempt to facilitate communication and performance across geographically diverse functions and business endeavors.Adopting a common mode of speech isn’t just a good idea; it’s a must, even for an American company with operations overseas, for instance, or a French company focused on domestic customers. Imagine that a group of salespeople from a company’s Paris headquarters get together for a meeting. Why would you care whether they all could speak English? Now consider that the same group goes on a sales call to a company also based in Paris, not realizing that the potential customer would be bringing in employees from other locations who didn’t speak French.This happened at one company I worked with. Sitting together in Paris, employees of those two French companies couldn’t close a deal because the people in the room couldn’t communicate. It was a shocking wake-up call, and the company soon adopted an English corporate language strategy. Similar concerns drove Hiroshi Mikitani, the CEO of Rakutenâ€â€Japan’s largest online marketplaceâ€â€to mandate in March 2010 that English would be the company’s official language of business.The company’s goal was to become the number one internet services company in the world, and Mikitani believed that the new policyâ€â€which would affect some 7,100 Japanese employeesâ€â€was vital to ach ieving that end, especially as expansion plans were concentrated outside Japan. He also felt responsible for contributing to an expanded worldview for his country, a conservative island nation. The multibillion-dollar companyâ€â€a cross between Amazon. com and eBayâ€â€was on a growth spree: It had acquired PriceMinister. com in France, Buy. com and FreeCause in the U.S. , Play. com in the UK, Tradoria in Germany, Kobo eBooks in Canada, and established joint ventures with major companies in China, Indonesia, Taiwan, Thailand, and Brazil. Serious about the language change, Mikitani announced the plan to employees not in Japanese but in English. Overnight, the Japanese language cafeteria menus were replaced, as were elevator directories. And he stated that employees would have to demonstrate competence on an international English scoring system within two yearsâ€â€or risk demotion or even dismissal.The media instantly picked up the story, and corporate Japan reacted with fa scination and disdain. Honda’s CEO, Takanobu Ito, publicly asserted, â€Å"It’s stupid for a Japanese company to only use English in Japan when the workforce is mainly Japanese. †But Mikitani was confident that it was the right move, and the policy is bearing fruit. The English mandate has allowed Mikitani to create a remarkably diverse and powerful organization. Today, three out of six senior executives in his engineering organization aren’t Japanese; they don’t even speak Japanese.The company continues to aggressively seek the best talent from around the globe. Half of Rakuten’s Japanese employees now can adequately engage in internal communication in English, and 25% communicate in English with partners and coworkers in foreign subsidiaries on a regular basis. Adopting a global language policy is not easy, and companies invariably stumble along the way. It’s radical, and it’s almost certain to meet with staunch resistance f rom employees. Many may feel at a disadvantage if their English isn’t as good as others’, team dynamics and performance can suffer, and national pride can get in the way.But to survive and thrive in a global economy, companies must overcome language barriersâ€â€and English will almost always be the common ground, at least for now. The fastest-spreading language in human history, English is spoken at a useful level by some 1. 75 billion people worldwideâ€â€that’s one in every four of us. There are close to 385 million native speakers in countries like the U. S. and Australia, about a billion fluent speakers in formerly colonized nations such as India and Nigeria, and millions of people around the world who’ve studied it as a second language.An e stimated 565 million people use it on the internet. The benefits of â€Å"Englishnization,†as Mikitani calls it, are significant; however, relatively few companies have systematically implemented an English-language policy with sustained results. Through my research and work over the past decade with companies, I’ve developed an adoption framework to guide companies in their language efforts. There’s still a lot to learn, but success stories do exist. Adopters will find significant advantages. The Straight Dope http://www. straightdope. om/columns/read/757/whats-the-international-language-of-business-french-or-english A STRAIGHT DOPE CLASSIC FROM CECIL'S STOREHOUSE OF HUMAN KNOWLEDGE What's the international language of business, French or English? August 4, 1989 Dear Cecil: Our high school French teacher always insisted learning French was important because it was going to become the international language of business. Now I hear English is mandatory in international aviation, and the Chinese students in Beijing spoke English to the international media. Was our French teacher shucking us? Merde!  Les Petites, South BostonCecil replies: Now, now. He/she p robably just didn't know any better. French teachers lead such empty lives as it is that no one has the heart to tell them the awful truth, which is that French is a language on the way down, not up. Once the language of diplomacy, French was used in the royal courts of Germany, Russia, and Italy during the 19th century. Fifty years ago Somerset Maugham called it â€Å"the common language of educated men†(women too, one presumes). But it's been in a state of decline since World War II, having long ago been supplanted by  you guessed it  English.English is the primary language of more than 400 million people and is the second language of hundreds of millions more. It's essential in science, technology, economics, and finance. It's the official language of airport control towers, might as well be the official language of computer software, and of course is vital to a perfect comprehension of MTV, Madonna, and other pillars of modern culture. French is the prima ry language of maybe 114 million, including such outposts of world commerce as Haiti, Cameroon, and Burkina Faso, and is essential chiefly to reading menus at Le Cirque.The French have been desperately attempting to reverse this trend. In addition to hosting international conferences of â€Å"Francophone†(French-speaking) nations, France as of 1986 was spending $750 million per year to support 20,000 French teachers in 155 countries. It also employs language police to guard against un-Gallic intrusions such as le compact-disc. But all in vain. Not that French doesn't have its uses. Au contraire. It remains the language of international pretension par excellence, having a certain je ne sais quoithat appeals irresistibly to the nouveaux riches.Also, let's face it, je t'aimesounds infinitely classier than â€Å"luv ya, babe. †But French is more likely to come in handy in the intimate hours after the business meeting than during. â€â€Ã‚ Cecil Adams Is English the Language of Business? http://www. businesstrainingcollege. com/business/is-english-the-language-of-business. htm Current figures show that there are 350 million native speakers of English, spreading into at least 100 territories. English has become the main language in the UK, Australia, the USA and South Africa.And, even in those countries where English is not the official language, it has become the adopted first language of governments, education and international communications. On top of the 350 million native speakers of English, there are roughly the same amount who use English as a second language and even some who use it as a third language. As English has grown and spread around the globe it has been adopted as the languageused when two parties from differing countries, who do not speak each others language, want to conduct business.And, with access to computers and the Internet growing daily, the number of English speakers an individual can potentially reach is phenomenal. It’s clear, from the facts laid out above, that English is not only important for businessand your career – it is essential. And, this is especially true for those wanting to participate in international business. Business Training can help you improve your English. Request a prospectus for ourBusiness English with Spoken English course. Tea Leaf: English is increasingly the international language of business By Jeff Thredgold, For the Deseret News http://www. deseretnews. om/article/700091766/English-is-increasingly-the-inter national-language-of-business. html? pg=all Published: Wednesday, Dec. 15 2010 10:12 p. m. MST SALT LAKE CITY  It's the year 2012. Your employer, a major global firm, announces that within two years all meetings and written communication within the company will be based on or conducted in Mandarin, the primary language of China. SALT LAKE CITY â ۠It's the year 2012. Your employer, a major global firm, announces that within two years all meetings and written communication within the company will be based on or conducted in Mandarin, the primary language of China.Imagine our shock  our anger  our displeasure  at the need to suddenly learn an extremely difficult language, all in the name of keeping our job. Welcome to the global community in 2011! English has increasingly become the international language of business. More and more nations are demanding that their business executives become fluent in English. English learning courses are popular around the globe. While perhaps one quarter of the world's population can now converse to an extent in English, that share could rise to one-half by 2015, according tobusinessreviewusa. com. Japanese EnglishA number of major Japanese companies have already mandated that English is, or soon will be, the primary language of internal communications. Rakuten I nc. , Japan's largest online retailer, has mandated that English will be the â€Å"standard language†by March 2012. Major employers such as Nissan Motor, Sony, Fast Retailing, Sumida and Nippon Sheet Glass have made similar mandates, or have already implemented such a reality, according to The Wall Street Journal. By 2012, Rakuten employees will be required to speak and correspond with each other in English. The risk of dismissal from the company if English is not mastered is clear.While we might think of Japan, now the world's third-largest economy behind China, as a manufacturing haven, roughly 70 percent of that nation's GDP is now in services. If you are aiming at be a player in the global marketplace, you must communicate in English. Ironically, it is fiercely independent Japan where English skills lag other nations. Among the 34 nations designated as â€Å"advanced economies†by the International Monetary Fund, Japan had the lowest scores during 2009 on the T est of English as a Foreign Language, a proficiency test given to foreign students who want to study within the U.S. , according to The Wall Street Journal. European English Meetings within the European Union are routinely held in English; written documents the same. It is simply a reality that a much larger share of senior politicians within the European Community speak English as a second language rather than French, German, Italian, etc. It has long held true that the aspiration of thousands of gifted students around the world is to study and graduate from a major American university. The combination of gaining a degree in business, or finance, or engineering, or chemistry, etc. from what most still consider the world's best, most up-to-date universities, combined with perfecting verbal and written skills in English, is a ticket to prosperity for those students who return home. Student English As one might expect, many nations around the globe have required their youth to routine ly study English in the primary grades for years. What might have once been seen as a way to expand the horizon of younger people, such English language skills now provide people across Asia, across Europe, across South America, across Africa, across the Middle East, etc. with a vital tool to succeed in life in coming years. Unfortunately, the rise of English places less need for Americans to study other languages than ever before. More schools do offer Chinese languages than before, but other language courses have been trimmed in many schools because of budget pressures. What do you call a person who speaks three languages? Multilingual. What do you call a person who speaks two languages? Bilingual. What do you call a person who speaks one language? An American. Sad, but true. TradeThe U. S. trade deficit with the rest of the global community shrank in October to its lowest level in nine months, one more sign that the American economy is slowly picking up speed. The net difference between American exports and imports declined to $38. 7 billion in October, better than consensus expectations. The trade deficit was $44. 6 billion in September. U. S. exports to the world jumped 3. 2 percent to $158. 7 billion in October, the highest level since August 2008. Imports dipped 0. 5 percent to $197. billion. Perhaps contrary to common belief, the trade imbalance does not just measure the difference between â€Å"merchandise†or â€Å"goods†exported out of and imported into the U. S. It also includes a smaller component of â€Å"services,†including financial services, insurance, travel, professional services, etc. The U. S. typically runs a trade deficit in goods or merchandise and a surplus in services. A lofty goal The Obama administration has announced a goal to double U. S. exports to the world over the next five years.While this is a noble and desirable objective, you can take it to the bank that every other nation on the planet has identifie d a similar goal. The administration and the Federal Reserve have drawn criticism around the world that both institutions are following a â€Å"cheap dollar†policy to boost U. S. exports to the world. The theory is that a weaker U. S. dollar relative to other major currencies leads to lower global prices for American-made goods and services, while also making imports into the U. S. more expensive. As usual, the administration and the Federal Reserve each indicate support of a â€Å"strong dollar†policy.Chinese pressure China remains under enormous global political pressure to allow its currency to rise in value as a means of reducing its enormous trade surplus with the world. While the Chinese have allowed modest currency appreciation in recent years, many feel that their currency, the yuan (which does not float or trade openly in global foreign exchange markets), is still 20 percent to 40 percent undervalued. China, now the world's largest exporter, runs an enormous trade surplus with the U. S. Despite record American exports to China in October, the two nations ran a $226. billion trade surplus in favor of the Chinese during 2010's first 10 months, up more than 20 percent versus the same period a year ago. Additional U. S. and global political pressure on the Chinese to boost their currency's value will remain center stage for years to come. Jeff Thredgold is chief economist for Zions Bank and founder of Thredgold Economic Associates, a professional speaking and economic consulting firm. Visit www. thredgold. com English as essential language of business By Sun Joo Kim | October 28, 2012, 8:58 PM PDT http://www. smartplanet. om/blog/bulletin/english-as-essential-language-of-business/4030 China may have the world’s second largest economy, but speaking Mandarin isn’t a required business skill yet. English, according to a study by EF Education First, will remain the basic language of business. Dorie Clark for Forbes outlines the study and writes that English will maintain and grow its dominance, moving from â€Å"a marker of the elite†in years past to â€Å"a basic skill needed for the entire workforce, in the same way that literacy has been transformed in the last two centuries from an elite privilege into a basic requirement for informed citizenship. (Indeed, the British Council reports that by 2020, two billion people will be studying English. ) The findings will be reassuring to native English speakers in the United States, of whom only 10% speak a second language. However, speaking another language in addition to English (in the United States, I’d argue for Spanish) is vital to participating  and having a competitive edge  in business and finance on a global level. Read the entire study on the EF website. Mandarin Chinese Most Useful Business Language After English By John Lauerman – 2011-08-30T19:34:57Z http://www. bloomberg. om/news/2 011-08-30/mandarin-chinese-most-useful-business-language-after-english-1-. html Mandarin, China’s official tongue is also the top language worldwide for business other than English, according to Bloomberg Rankings. Mandarin, spoken by 845 million people, scored highest in a ranking of languages, excluding English, based on business usefulness. The ranking scored languages according to the number of speakers, number of countries where the language is official, along with those nations’ populations, financial power, educational and literacy rates, and related measures.French, spoken by 68 million people worldwide and the official language of 27 countries, was ranked second, followed by Arabic, which is spoken by 221 million people and is official in 23 nations. Mandarin is unlikely to supplant English soon as the primary language of business, said Leigh Hafrey, a senior lecturer in communications and ethics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s S loan School of Management. â€Å"In much the same way that the dollar remains the preferred currency, English will remain the preferred language for the foreseeable future,†Hafrey said in a telephone interview.Mandarin speakers can gain an advantage in doing business in China, Hafrey said. â€Å"Speaking the language confers a huge advantage for anyone who wants to do business in a non-English-speaking country,†he said. â€Å"It gives you flexibility, knowledge that you need, and personal connections that can make a difference in the speed and effectiveness of your negotiations. †Spanish, the official language of 20 countries and spoken by 329 million people, came in fourth, the rankings showed. Spanish was the top foreign language studied in U. S. ollege classrooms in 2009, according to research from the Modern Language Association in New York. Chinese tallied seventh by the number of U. S. students enrolled in classes that year, after Spanish, Fren ch, German, American Sign Language, Italian and Japanese, according to a December 2010 report by the association. Arabic was eighth. English – The International Language of Business Better English-Better Future http://www. learn-english-online. co/News/April-2012/English–The-International-Language-of-Business. aspx Sunday 1 April 2012 9:41 AMThere are estimated to be over 360 million native English speakers across the globe. Whilst this compares to a massive 850 million native Mandarin speakers, a further billion people speak English as second or foreign language. With the dominance the British Empire at the turn of the 20th century and the emergence of the USA as a global superpower over the following two decades, English cemented its position as a global language. What is more, with the financial centers of London and New York located in English speaking countries, the language has become firmly established as the language of business across the world.There is talk of the USA declining as a global power and the rise of the China and other far eastern economies. So will English ever lose its place as the international language of business? Looking at the alternatives suggests that it probably will not. Mandarin is an extremely difficult language to grasp and English is already widely spoken as a second language in India and a lot of European countries. As a result, national and international companies in any country place particular emphasis on their employees being able to speak English.If you want to stand out from the crowd it is important to already have a firm grasp on the language when you turn up to job applications. On the other side of the coin, if you are a native English speaker but struggle with spelling or grammar your career prospects are drastically limited. It is, therefore, essential to learn English grammar to get on in your career. There is an emerging form of English, known as International English, that is somewhat sim pler and easier to understand than British or American English.The international form of English does not use colloquialisms and places less emphasis on the correct use of tense and other grammar. The trouble is it is often interpreted as poor English and will simple not suffice in many international companies. Failing to learn English grammar correctly will ultimately cost you in a large proportion of jobs. For native speakers, it is important, however, to be able to speak clearly and correctly. One of the things that make English such a fantastic language is its huge variety of accents and dialects.The downside to this is that non-native speakers or natives from different parts of the English speaking world can struggle to understand one another. It is imperative, therefore, to be able to soften your own accent and drop some of the dialect to ensure you are clearly understood at work. So if you want to improve your job prospects and take the next step in your career, learning to s peak or improving your English language skills is a great place to start. There are a number of quality courses available online as well as in night schools and colleges across the country that cater for all levels of English speakers.RELATED SITES: ALUMNI HOME CLUBS Learning to Speak the Language of Business Hiroshi Mikitani / Rakuten March 2012 http://www. alumni. hbs. edu/bulletin/2012/march/innovation-mikitani. html Mikitani Main article: Where Innovation Rules Case study: Englishnization at Rakuten From Pinterest to Kobo, how Japan's Rakuten is building a global internet giant (Wired. co. uk) You might call Hiroshi Mikitani (MBA 1993) the Jeff Bezos of Japan. Both lead hugely successful Internet commerce companies with a commanding presence in their home markets. But to call Mikitani’s company, Rakuten, the Amazon. om of Japan would overlook fundamental differences for customers and merchants alike. â€Å"We created a real online marketplace where customers can interact with shop owners, and we empower our merchants to build relationships with their customers,†says Mikitani, Rakuten’s founder, chairman, and CEO. Amazon offers neither experience, he adds. Launched in 1997, Rakuten’s online shopping mall now hosts more than 37,000 merchants, and the company has expanded into other e-commerce businesses, including travel, banking, telecommunications, and credit card services.Not satisfied with dominating Japan’s e-commerce landscape, Mikitani believes the company’s future lies in taking its online expertise global. Since 2008, Rakuten has acquired or partnered with e-commerce firms in 10 countriesâ€â€including Brazil, China, and the United Statesâ€â€and plans to add seven more this year. Success as a global player takes more than an aggressive acquisitions plan, says Mikitani. It requires that all 7,100 of the firm’s Japanese employees communicate in English, the global language of business.M ikitani announced the changeover, in English, in March 2010 and set a two-year deadline for everyone to demonstrate English proficiency or sacrifice chances for advancement. He dubbed the project â€Å"Englishnization,†which has attracted international media attention. The Japanese language, Mikitani reasons, poses a barrier to the firm’s global ambitions. â€Å"There was a huge language barrier between the Tokyo office and our subsidiaries outside Japan,†he observes in a 2011 HBS case study on Rakuten. One day the idea just struck me: ‘Why don’t we try communicating just in English? ’ It’s an entrepreneurial kind of thing: you come up with an idea one day, and suddenly you jump off the cliff with it. †As the proficiency deadline approaches in July, Mikitani says employees â€Å"are progressing better than expected. †He credits HBS assistant professor Tsedal Neeley, who wrote the Rakuten case study, with providin g advice for communicating more clearly why English proficiency is important for Rakuten’s future. This is not just a Japanese company issue,†Mikitani points out. â€Å"Other companies doing global business also have been segregated by language. If we succeed, we’ll be followed by others. †â€â€RT Business English as International Language of Business Business English Training Courses, English Language TrainingAdd comments http://languageblog. communicaid. com/english-language-training/business-english-as-international-language-of-business/ What are the reasons why so many professional people are currently attending Business English courses?The answer to this question is simple. English is the language for doing International Business. As a consequence, companies need those employees who are in relation with foreign clients or suppliers to have the skills in English which enable them to do their work efficiently. Even if an employee has good kno wledge of the English language, he/she still needs to acquire the language to their professional area (logistics, human resources, etc. ) and therefore need to attend a Business English course.In this post we will look at why English is in this position, what the implications of this are for the English language and Business English training courses and what future developments we can expect to witness. British colonialism spread the English language around the globe as it was administratively imposed on the non-English speakers in these colonies. English started to become increasingly influential on the world-scene at the beginning of the Twentieth Century. The Versailles Treaty of 1919 was drawn up not only in French (the diplomatic language of the time) but also in English.The US’s powerful political, military and economic position in the second half of the Twentieth Century meant that English became the main language of communication in such organisations as NATO and t he IMF. The following facts from the British Council website reveal the current widespread use of English: English is spoken as a first language by around 375 million and as a second language by around 375 million speakers. Around 750 million people are believed to speak English as a foreign language. Due to the fact that Business English is so important, companies require increasing numbers of their employees to have knowledge of this language.This knowledge is no longer the preserve of people in positions of responsibility; technicians who have to phone for support in another country and receptionists who receive foreign delegations also need to be able to do certain parts of their jobs in English. Companies therefore allocate a proportion of their training budgets to business English courses. This more diverse demand has led to the development of training courses which specialise in exactly what the delegate needs to know in order to be able to function correctly at w ork.As Business is done in English between people who are not necessarily native speakers of the language, a simplified version of English is now emerging. This version is sometimes called ’standard’ or ‘international’ English. This new type of English for Business purposes is trimmed of all the non-essential grammatical structures and has a reduced common vocabulary. Phrasal verbs such as ‘go on ‘ and ’set up’ are not as important as ‘continue ‘ and ‘create’, for example, and knowledge of the difference between the present perfect and the past simple is no longer a priority in the training room.The primordial objective of the business person using international business English is to communicate efficiently and effectively. Native speakers with their fast delivery, colloquial expressions and unclear pronunciation are feared in the business place as they have become the most difficult people to understand. The result of this is that native speakers may have to start learning how to speak a more communication-friendly form of their own language – i. e. international English According to a recent BBC article, US economic, military and political dominance is likely to decline over the next two decades.This change shows that the situation that made English into the international Business language is going to change in the future. Will this mean that another language will replace English as the new language of international business communication? It is improbable as Chinese, for example, is such a difficult language to learn and does not have the same world-wide spread as English. Another emerging economy, India, already uses English substantially in everyday life. It is also true to say that International English is easier to learn than other forms of English such as British English or American English.The result is that this standardised international version of English will become more and more prevalent in international business and training courses will have to reflect this reality.  © Communicaid Group Ltd. 2010 Exforsys Inc Importance of English in International Business http://www. exforsys. com/career-center/english-vocabulary/importance-of-english -in-international-business. html Author : Exforsys Inc. Published on: 13th May 2007    |   Last Updated on: 7th Feb 2011 Importance of English in International BusinessWhile English is not the most widely spoken language in the world when you look at it in terms of the number of native speakers, it is the world's most prominent language. While a larger number of people speak Chinese, that language is largely confined to China. English on the other hand, is spoken around the world. It has been estimated that out of the roughly 6 billion people that are alive today about 350 million speak English. When you look at the importance of English for International Business, you must lo ok at more than just the number of people who speak it. You must also look at what the language is used for.English is the ideal language for many governments around the world, and it is also prominent in business, education, world news, and communication. In addition to this, Western pop culture is also carried to foreign countries in the form of music or movies. If you wish to be successful in International business, learning English is incredibly important. In many places such as Asia, Africa, and South America, the ability to learn English will determine who will increase their living standards, and who will remain in poverty. There are a number of powerful tools that have allowed more people to learn English than ever before.One of these tools is the Internet. The Power of the Internet in Spreading English Before the Internet, it was hard for you to learn English if you didn't attend a college or university. These were the only institutions where the langua ge was widely spoken. If you lived in a community so poor that it didn't have a college or university, your chances of ever learning English were remote. While many people still live in these circumstances today, the Internet has allowed the English language to spread around the word. Because the Internet was invented in the West, English was inherently built into it.Because Internet usage has expanded throughout the world, more people are being exposed to English. The advent of online universities has now made it possible for more people to learn English, people who may live in countries where access to standard education facilities is limited. While it may have been impossible for these people to learn English in the past, the Internet has opened up new career opportunities. These people are now able to learn English, and they can use their English skills to get better paying jobs at home, or they can use them to find jobs overseas.In any event, the Internet has played a powerful role in allowing English to spread across the world, and the number of people learning it is likely to increase in the future. The Importance of English for Business Many companies have discovered early in the 21st century that they can cut their costs of production by sending their jobs overseas. The proper term for this is outsourcing, or offshoring. Some companies have also found that they can cut costs by bringing immigrants into the country on work visas. The employees will work for the company for a given period of time, and once their visa has expired, they can return home.For someone living in a country where English is not the native language, they will need to master this language if they wish to travel to the United States to find a high paying job. While many people in English speaking countries complain about the impact of outsourcing, it presents lucrative opportunities for people living in foreign countries. Learning how to speak English can allow you to travel to a Western country, work there for a few months, make more money than you would make at home, and then bring the money back home to your family.This is a practice that many people use, and it is factors such as outsourcing which have allowed them to do it. As you can see, learning how to speak English opened up a large number of doors, doors that would normally be closed. Ads Conclusion In many countries where English is not the native language, you are considered highly educated if you can speak the language properly. You will be presented with a number of career opportunities, and you will have the option of staying home to work, or you could travel abroad. When you learn how to speak English, the opportunities are limitless.It’s estimated that up to 7,000 different languages are spoken around the world. 90% of these languages are used by less than 100,000 people. Over a million people converse in 150-200 languages and 46 languages have just a single speaker! Languages are grouped into families that share a common ancestry. For example, English is related to German and Dutch, and they are all part of the Indo-European family of languages. These also include Romance languages, such as French, Spanish and Italian, which come from Latin. 2,200 of the world’s languages can be found in Asia, while Europe has a mere 260.Nearly every language uses a similar grammatical structure, even though they may not be linked in vocabulary or origin. Communities which are usually isolated from each other because of mountainous geography may have developed multiple languages. Papua New Guinea for instance, boasts no less than 832 different languages! http://www. bbc. co. uk/languages/guide/languages. shtml On the importance of English language education for students The Jakarta Post | Feature | Mon, October 29 2012, 12:22 PM http://www. thejakartapost. com/news/2012/10/29/on-importance-english-language-education-students . html Paper Edition | Page: 21The English-language curriculum in the national education system has been a bone of contention among parents and education experts for many years, with many lamenting its focus on grammar and structure at the expense of creating a fun learning experience for students. The Jakarta Post’s Iman Mahditamatalked to the Education and Culture Ministry’s director general for secondary education, Hamid Muhammad, about the importance of instilling students with excellent English communication skills and the significance of extracurricular activities such as the Youth Speak Fun Day in helping students to master the language.Below are excerpts of their conversation. Question: What is the significance of Youth Speak Fun Day (YSFD) for your directorate, given the bigger picture of the national education system? Answer: The secondary education directorate general has two main programs. The first is to ensure access to education for junior high sch ool graduates. Every year, there are 1. 2 million graduates who cannot be accommodated in senior high schools. We are working to solve this. We are currently creating a layout for a national 12-year compulsory education scheme. However, access to education alone is not enough.We also have to ensure the quality of education, which is our second program. It means nothing if we build more schools, but cannot develop students who are competent in their respective fields. In improving educational quality, the directorate general must be able to devise a scheme that will not only enhance the students’ intellectual ability, but also improve their character, as I believe that character is the basis of their future success. We have many smart kids who cannot do anything once they are out in the real world as they lack in communication skills. This is where extracurricular activities, such as the YSFD, can help.It can be a medium for students to do fun stuff, interact, communicate, and play with others. We have to develop these activities to prevent our kids from getting too bored with academic stuffs. In short, we really, really support YSFD. If children in various regions in Indonesia seem to be enthusiastic over the event, it’s because they really do love it -because it gives them a space to really show their talents and skills. Without undermining the significant role of Indonesian instruction, what are your hopes for such events as the YSFD in the campaign to learn English?In Indonesia, English is deemed as a foreign language instead of a second language. However, as our local communities are becoming more global, coupled with our country’s booming economy, learning and mastering English has become a must. So far, the local English curriculum is too focused on grammar and sentence structure at the expense of instilling excellent English communication skills, when, in fact, the latter was what we hope from our local schools. The YSFD can serve a s a place for our kids to self-actualize themselves in fun and challenging ways. I believe â€Å"fun and challenging†is the key.Some programs are just too challenging and too rigid that it can’t be fun. YSFD is different. I think that this is something good that needs to be spread to all regions in Indonesia. How do you think such activities as the YSFD can help stop students from the brawls that have broken out as of late? Brawls are a problem of metropolitan areas and large cities, many of which are lacking in facilities for teenagers to interact with each other in fun and positive ways. In the end, those kids are overflowing with energy, which they then release in negative, and sometimes destructive, behaviors.I sincerely hope that activities like YSFD can be held in large cities as a place for these kids to channel their energy in positive, productive, and competitive ways. I think the effect will be exceptionally tremendous. By having more activities, we can prev ent teenagers from forming gangs and involving themselves in negative activities. What is the role of partnerships with companies like The Jakarta Post Foundation and PT Chevron Indonesia for the directorate general in executing its programs? I sincerely thank both companies.At least, we have good news in promoting our students who have tremendous skills and talents, rather than telling the bad news of student brawls all the time, which is honestly exhausting. I truly welcome every company who wants to help us with our program. It will be beneficial for all, no doubt about that. There will always be those who see the country’s huge population and when they see what we’ve done, they’ll say that what we do won’t mean much. I don’t agree with that. At least, we’ve done something good. The thing that we do may only be on a small scale, but the ripple effect will be incredible.People will see that we’ve done something good and that the res ult on the kids is also good. The Education and Culture Ministry plans to streamline the national curriculum and erase English as a compulsory subject for elementary schools starting from next year. Will that affect the English curriculum for secondary education? I think not. The plan was not to entirely erase the English subject, but rather to make it as an optional school subject. Even now, when it is compulsory for students to learn English starting in the fourth grade, many elementary schools are not teaching the subject.There will be streamlining, but that does not mean that we will ban elementary schools that voluntarily wish to teach their students English from doing so. Elementary schools that have the capability to teach English well will be allowed to teach the language. We will keep providing attention to the teaching of English anywhere in this nation, but we don’t want to make the subject compulsory when most schools are incapable of carrying it out. It is better for the subject to be optional. The most important thing is that the schools don’t have too many core subjects, but we open more possibilities by giving them optional subjects.What plans and ideas do you have in mind for future campaigns of the use of English and prevention of student brawls? I think the most important is to change our English curriculum to focus on improving student communication skills. In fact, the current school-based curriculum [KTSP] has attempted to use that approach, but it fails because the teachers are so used to grammar and structure. It is impossible to tell our kids to learn to communicate in English when their teachers cannot do so. I believe that teachers of English at our schools must use English, instead of Indonesian, in class.That is what we are trying to reinforce in the new curriculum. Training for teachers, therefore, is a must. I think it’s a huge mistake if English teachers use Indonesian while in class. It’s fine in pri mary education levels. But in senior high schools, everyone must be brave enough to talk in English. I also encourage schools to have one day when everyone must speak English. In this aspect, the curriculum of Gontor Islamic Boarding School [in Ponorogo, East Java] is better than ours. They implemented a dual-language teaching system, using English and Arabic.Their graduates can speak English fluently because they use it every day. No one seems to protest that, whereas when we try to enforce our international standard project (RSBI) schools to use English, everyone protested. They say that enforcement ran against the spirit of nationalism. How can they be so narrow-minded? Mastering a foreign language does not mean your love for your country will fade away. Haji Agus Salim, a national hero, was widely known during his lifetime for having mastered more than five foreign languages. No one has ever questioned his nationalism.What is the importance of English in today's world? English L anguage Questions Best Answer http://EzineArticles. com/? expert=Raghu_Sundaram http://wiki. answers. com/Q/What_is_the_importance_of_English_in_today's_world Frankly speaking, it is highly essential to know the language for communication. In general, the most popular language is English. In this computer age, English is the only language that any one can understand. So to say, it has become as an ideal language for expressing our feelings. First, we have to learn the language and then we have to gain fluency in the language.Unless we have the fluency in English language, it would not be possible to work with the computer. If you do not know English, then you would be in need of a translator to do the job. The first stage of learning this language would be very interesting. Once you are fluent with the alphabets, slowly you can learn many words. It would always be better to follow the method of reading first, then writing. You can use the picture books for this purpose. When y ou feel that you are familiar with the words, you can form sentences. This is the most interesting stage to learn.You just think of a sentence in your mother language, and try to write the same sentence in English. There could be some mistakes. But you should not bother about it. But, you have to write the same sentence using many different words till you are satisfied with your sentence. If you follow this way, very soon you can create sentences of your own. The next step is learning the grammar of the language. It is quite simple and very systematic compared with other languages. There are certain rules and regulations for each and every topic in grammar of this language.As long as you follow the rules and regulations, it would be a difficult task to make mistakes. You would gain that much guidance from the grammar. The presentation is the most important factor in communicating your feelings. So, naturally you must be sure while you are presenting. what you really wish to sa y. At any point, do not try to write or speak, beyond your capability. Even if it is a small and simple sentence, it would reach the receiver perfectly. This is our basic idea. Slowly, you can improve the standard of your language by practice.If you know to form the sentences, it is more than enough to go deep into the subject. Though this only an article about the importance of the English Language, we have to learn some of the basic points in presenting the sentences. There are three different types of sentences: They are, 1. Statements. 2. Interrogative sentence. 3. Imperative sentence. 4. Exclamatory sentence. To begin with, you must know the difference between a phrase and a sentence. Phrase is a group of words, which gives meaning, but not complete meaning. A sentence is a group of words, which makes a complete sense. . Statement: The sentence starting with nouns or pronouns is known as statement. Example: Rome is a church city. 2. Interrogative sentence: There are two type s of interrogative sentences. a. â€Å"wh†type question. The sentences starting with the following fords are â€Å"wh†type question. What, When, Where, Who, How many, How long and etcetera. Example: Why did you come late? 2. What are you doing there? b. â€Å"yes or no†type question. For which sentences you get the reply either with yes or no they are called yes or no type question. Example: Is your father a doctor? The answer: No sir. 3.Imperative sentence: The sentence that gives command, request, and advice is known as Imperative sentence. Example: Walk on the pavement. 2. Eat regularly. 4. Exclamatory sentence: The sentence that expresses the sudden feelings or strong emotions is known as exclamatory sentence. Example: Alas! He is dead. 2. Oh! What a beautiful sight. When you are familiar with the above points, it would be very interesting to you to create many wonderful sentences. In general, the sentences are divided into three different kinds. They are , 1. Simple sentence. 2. Compound sentence. 3. Complex sentence.Though it very essential to have knowledge in handling the above sentences, we have to study them separately. In this essay, we are talking about the importance of the language. Many people make mistakes even with the usage of articles. It is a pity that even scholars may make mistakes. So, you should not get dejected with your style of writing. There is a lot of difference between these two. 1. a few 2. few When you want to say that you have friends, you have to say that,†I have a few friends. † When you want to say that you do not have friends, you have to say that, â€Å"I have few friends. This is the opposite meaning of the word, many. Apart from these, there are many points to be discussed later. When you feel that you are already strong on the above subjects, you can develop your knowledge for betterment of your knowledge. As long as you educate yourself, you will come across many new things. There is no end for learning. All the above points are used in the normal usage of English. The literature value of the English Language is entirely different and should be dealt separately. Article Source: http://EzineArticles. com/? expert=Raghu_Sundaram Importance of the English Language in today's world ttp://zeeshannaved. hubpages. com/hub/importanceofenglishlanguages This Hub was last updated on July 10, 2012 Language is the source of communication. Its the way through which we share our ideas and thoughts with others. There are uncountable languages in this world. Because every country has their own national language, then they have different local languages spoken and understood by their people in different regions. Let's talk about English. It is the language of England and has International Standard. Many people think English as American Language but it is not true.In fact, when Columbus discovered America, he saw the country in the Stone Age with high illitera cy rate. Those were the European and English people who brought education and knowledge even technology towards America. There are several factors that make us to learn English Language to go through in the current time. First of all, as I already mention, it has International Standard, that’s why everyone needs to learn English in order to get in touch on International Level. If we see Educational field, we will find much of the syllabus is written in English. Children are taught and encouraged to learn English on starting levels.And accordingly, as they promote to the next levels they study almost all the subjects in English. We see the Internet and finds more than 90% of websites written and created in English. And even when you see some sites in other languages, they also give you the option to translate in English. All the research and studies you find will be written and typed in English. All the information regarding each and everything contains English Language. There is another factor that make English very important in this world is it is the easiest language of the world to learn.Many people think that it is very difficult and confusing. But I suggest them to start and learn only for a week and they will feel easy with English. With good understanding and communication in English, we can travel around the globe. We get assistance and help in English in every part of world. You can test it by on line travel. Better you visit some offices, companies, governmental organizations, and other departments, and you will see the importance of English as they hire the professional staff after getting know that whether the people they are hiring are good at English or not.This is the company's will that their staff is not even well educated but also good English speaker, writer and Reader. Those who are still unaware about the importance of English. They should start learning English as a time will come when everything would be understood, spoken and wri tten in English. Better watch some media and get the scope of English. 15 KASIM 2008 CUMARTESI http://toeflgencligi. blogspot. com/2008/11/importance-of-english. html IMPORTANCE OF ENGLISH:
Friday, September 27, 2019
Business law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 2
Business law - Essay Example There are three main factors to be considered in securing a safe venue; getting a proper developing, implementing and managing (D.I.M.) process, obeying standards of practice and dealing with crowd management (Matt 2012). The D.I.M. process begins with identification of risks and categorizing them followed by classifying the risks depending on their severity and lastly selection of a risk treatment method. Treating risks is done in four ways; risk avoidance, risk transfer, risk retention and risk reduction (Matt 2012). Risk avoidance is done through discontinuation of the program or lack of inclusion of the content. Risk transfer is done through hiring of a third party and ensuring they sign a waiver thus limiting liability .Risk retention is carried out through the company retaining the risk and taking up responsibility for compensation of injuries or financial risks occurred. Risk reduction is done through immediate implementation which is crucial since it is done after risk identi fication to lessen the impact of a lawsuit. Employee involvement is recommended together with written documentation on the large scale venues, it is cost effective to hire a risk manager to oversee the plan so as to reduce liabilities resulting in repeat customers. Standards of practice are safety codes representing opinion consensus with the approval of an industry’s professional segment. They are requirements needed of an establishment and minimize liability associated with negligence when adhered to and increase liability when disregarded by the defendant. Crowd management is a fundamental aspect of risk management since it helps in the provision of a safe and enjoyable event. This means management of guests’ movement, emergency assistance and accommodation of special needs guests. There are six elements in crowd control and handling; clear signage for ease of movement, staff training on dealing with any happening, good communication system, emergency action plan, written policies regarding intoxicated patrons with disruptive behavior and implementation and evaluation of plans after every event (Matt 2012). These steps help in maximizing risk reduction when implemented correctly. Negligence has been the root cause of risk management cases causing ripples in the sport industry like the example below was due to failure to provide a secure and safe environment. In the December of 2002,Michelle Heenan, a single 39 year old North Philadelphia resident who worked as an administrative assistant at a local hospital, together with company went to attend a Guns n Roses concert at the Wachovia center, previously known as the First Union center. Slightly after 11pm, after a few curtain raising acts an announcement was made that the main act would not perform thus the show was cancelled. The irate fans vented their anger by throwing food and drinks from the upper decks everywhere (Matt 2012). On sensing the lurking danger, this being a rock c rowd, Heenan ran towards the nearest exit and in the process, got caught up in the frenzy, fell and ended up injuring her ankle which got a plate and three screws inserted. Her injuries cost her two months of work and permanent inability to participate in activities such as skiing and rollerblading. Heenan filed a suit against Comcast Spectator and Spectrum Arena
Minister who must respond to queries from the opposition during Essay
Minister who must respond to queries from the opposition during question period in the House - Essay Example On Thursday last week, some members of the opposition pointed out the sudden increase in the operating cost of some airplane. They also cited the case of a large number of people who have lost their job due to increased operating cost in the airline industry (Hsu, 2011). There was a proposal by some members for the carbon tax to be abolished in order to prevent loss of jobs and increase cost of living. The carbon tax faces some challenges in its current form and therefore requires your intervention. A number of environmental experts are of the opinion that the carbon tax should not be abolished; instead, it should be revised and a section of the contentious clauses such as cost be repealed (Gandhi et al., 2007). A report from the environmental shield agency has cited increased awareness and conformation to the carbon tax and advised against its abolition. A detailed, comprehensive and insightful statement is expected from you by 25th March, 2014 in order to convince the house members on the relevance of the carbon tax. Further, evaluate the contentious clauses and look for a solution from environmental experts. Gandhi, V. P., Cuervo, J., Gandhi, V. P., & International Monetary Fund. (2007). Carbon Taxes: Their Macroeconomic Effects and Prospects for Global Adoption A Survey of the Literature. Washington, D.C: International Monetary Fund Hassett, K. A., Mathur, A., Metcalf, G. E., & National Bureau of Economic Research. (2007). The incidence of a U.S. carbon tax: A lifetime and regional analysis. Cambridge, Mass: National Bureau of Economic
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Experience Assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Experience Assignment - Essay Example Since the far-reaching economic reforms from the late 1960s, growth has fuelled a remarkable increase in per capita income and at the same time, however, income disparities have increased. The growing income inequality is illustrated clearly by the living standards between the urban and the rural areas. The last three decades have seen unprecedented progress when it comes to reducing extreme poverty around the world, but there is still an awful lot more to be done. However, as the World Bank still points out, there are still roughly 1.3 billion people completely destitute, including about 400 million children. People around the world in â€Å"extreme poverty†tend to lack enough food to meet basic physical and mental needs. Judging from the daily incomes of the extremely poor around the world, extreme poverty is getting less deep. Poverty for middle and high income countries fell more than 50 percent since 1982. When one looks closely st the recent progress in the developing world, much of it is mostly attributed to countries like China, and to a lesser extent, India, whose amped up economic growth in recent years reduced their poverty rates. By contrast, extreme poverty in the 35 â€Å"low-income†countries fell by less than 33 percent. Aside from China and India, In dividuals living in extreme poverty in the developing world, today appear to be as poor as those living in extreme poverty thirty years ago, as the World bank puts it. Instead of asking myself which car should I buy, or what clothes should I wear or which different restaurant should I visit next, living on less than t $5 forces one to really have a tight budget as you cannot afford the luxuries that some of us do take for granted at times. When money is tight, we have to make whatever we have to stretch and lesser money means smaller, simpler meals. In this day and era, it is impossible to live without a
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Asian Polictical and Legal System Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Asian Polictical and Legal System - Essay Example Pakistan being adjacent to Afghanistan, the hotbed of Islamic radicalism, is more then exposed to the extremist forces as compared to Bangladesh. Besides, unlike Bangladesh, Pakistan lies on the route to the oil and natural gas rich regions of Central Asia. A number of affluent and influential nations have a stake in the mineral wealth of Central Asia (Rashid, 2001). Some of these stakes specifically intend to use Islamic fundamentalism as a tool to gain grounds in Pakistan to secure their hold on Afghanistan and Central Asia. Bangladesh, on the contrary is not that lucrative in an economic sense, thus Islamic radicals do not intend to pump much finances in this young nation to propagate their ideology. In addition, considering the military inferiority of Pakistan as compared to India, a section of the Pakistan's political elites and the army, particularly the Inter Services Intelligence (ISI) raised and nurtured Islamic fundamentalism over the years to carry on a proxy war against I ndia. It is not a wonder that Islamic fundamentalism in Pakistan stands on much firmer foundations as compared to Bangladesh.
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Marketing analysis for Construction Forensic Thesis
Marketing analysis for Construction Forensic - Thesis Example Hence, we see that the construction industry has taken over a number of services that were offered by A/E consultants. The contractors have taken over a large share of the service market of A/E consultants and thus, A/E firms need to expand the services offered to retain their market shares. They need to venture into service segments such as providing financial assistance to the clients, assistance with regulations, cost analysis of project life cycle, O&M functions, and renovation services. The situation has changed dramatically for marketing professionals and construction services providers and it is not as simple as it used to be. The shift in the project delivery system and the advances in communication technology requires the architects and the engineers to change themselves from their usual procedures of working. For example, in the past architects relied on their name and recognition whereas consulting engineers relied on 80/20 rule2 , and general contractors used to bid low i n competitive bidding situations3. The A/E consultants can retain their market shares by strengthening their market niche, marketing plans that increase customer retention, and restructuring of the organization to increase flexibility in the human resource and the services offered. If we take a look at the US construction industry, it is a pretty large profitable market and the barriers to entry in the market for foreign firms are low as there have been indications that a number of foreign firms have entered the heavily civil and public works markets in California, Massachusetts, and Florida. Statistically, Construction industry is a huge one. According to the US Census Bureau, the total value of business done in 2007 was $748,4994 (in millions of dollars). Similarly, in the state of Washington, there were a total of 21,701 establishments in 2007 and the dollar value of business done was $27, 916, 1235. Construction Litigation Industry The function that Construction Litigation serve s is dealing with legal disputes that result from construction projects. The disputes could result from disagreements in construction contracts and from injury claims or accidental deaths caused by ignorant behavior. In any case, construction litigation consultants are responsible for dealing with civil lawsuits involving private parties that are governed under separate rule and regulations from those of criminal prosecution6. Several new methods have evolved in the construction industry such as design/build, at-risk construction management, built-operate-transfer methods7. Difference of opinion exists on the claims and litigations under these methods. Proponents of these methods are of the view that these methods tend to bring down the hostility of the relationship between the concerned parties, hence resulting in an overall reduction in claims and litigations whereas advocates of litigation believe that despite the use of alternate methods; these methods just place the associated risks within the construction process. Consequently, there is no significant impact on the claims or litigation. On the contrary, they believe that
Monday, September 23, 2019
Journal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 52
Journal - Essay Example We made rounds, collect data and encouraged non-compliant staff to follow hand hygiene protocols. Met with my infection control personnel. Task-made rounds with engineering staff to install hand sanitizers and hand washing soap dispensers in identified strategic areas. Also made rounds on all inpatient units to collect raw data on staff hand hygiene compliance Attended infection control departmental meeting. Main topic was the upcoming hand hygiene initiative. The manager stated that it will be an organizational wide challenge to raise awareness and hopefully improve and meet the target goal on hand hygiene. Continued to raise awareness and encourage health care providers through consistent patrol to the inpatient units. It is refreshing to know that employee compliance is on the rise due to proper education, accessible soap, water or hand sanitizer, and reinforced messages among staff members, patients and their families. Weeks 4 through week 7 have been very busy at my clinical site. For a start, I attended a mandatory leadership meeting held by the new Assistant Vise-President (AVP) for Patient Care Services. The take home from this meeting was for all leaders to collaborate effectively in building a strong foundation for the organization. In effect, it would encourage the need to improve our patient satisfaction by employing basic nursing care at the bedside. Later that afternoon, the infection Control manager assigned me to work with one of his staff members. Our job was to go to all inpatient units and take data regarding hand hygiene compliance. He informed me on an upcoming initiative to create/raise an organizational wide awareness to improve to improve hand hygiene. Among the tasks, we were to carry out included making rounds, collecting data and encouraging non-compliant staff to follow hand hygiene protocols. Through the last three weeks, this has been the focus
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Investigating the effectiveness of Mobile Antivirus Application on Android and Windows Mobile Phone Essay Example for Free
Investigating the effectiveness of Mobile Antivirus Application on Android and Windows Mobile Phone Essay Chapter 1: Anti-virus Applications on Mobile Devices Mobile phone anti-virus software refers to security software programs which have been professionally developed to protect device users from viruses, worms, Trojans and other malicious programs and removing them where possible. Anti-virus software programs have lately gained popularity due the increased incidences of malicious threats of attack on the web. There are several new viruses that are detected on a day to day basis on the cyberspace. While some of these viruses may be harmless, others are annoying and quite destructive. Certain viruses replicate themselves, but others may cause serious problems to the extent of erasing all data on a device drive. The use of anti-virus for device protection can be applied to multiple operating systems including Mobile Windows and Android mobile phones (iSoftwareReviews 2010). Antivirus software works in various technical ways to give protection to and remove viruses from mobile devices. This normally occur through two security scanning functions namely On-Access Scanning and On-Demand Scanning. The On-Access scanning works in real-time to ensure a mobile device is protected at all times by monitoring for viruses to any accessing in the mobile device, for example while opening a file or opening an application. Despite of the fact that this software slows down the speed of a device, its role in antivirus protection is so critical and should thus be enabled at all times. On-Demand Scanning offers antivirus protection only when activated to scan any particular area, folder, file, or drive. The program then provides a scan report about how many viruses that have been found in the scanned item. In the event that a virus is detected, the program will notify the user and recommend an action which includes either to deleting or quarantine the virus (iSoftwareRevie ws 2010). The rapidly increasing advancements of mobile phone technology to include a number of useful features have made android and windows mobile phones very popular pocket personal computers. This increased popularity has not however come with its own setbacks. Just like the ordinary personal computers, android and windows mobile phones have also been subjected to increased viruses attack. Virus attack has therefore become the latest and single biggest threat to the mobile phone industry. Subsequently, numerous companies dealing in software have come up with anti-virus for use in the android and windows mobile phones. These are mainly anti-virus software packages developed to provide anti-virus protection to mobile phones (iSoftwareReviews 2010). There are a number of anti-virus software programs for mobile phones that are available to the users. The main mobile phone anti-virus software includes AhnLab Mobile Security, Avast! PDA Edition, Avira Antivir Mobile, BitDefender Mobile Security, BullGuard Mobile Antivirus, Dr.Web Mobile Security Suite, F-Secure Mobile Security, Kaspersky Mobile Security, and Norton Smartphone Security. AhnLab Mobile Security software provides a solution for viruses and worms protection and removal. It runs under windows mobile and android mobile phones. Avast! PDA Edition is an antivirus protection for PalmOS and Windows CE, Android phones, and Pocket PC based devices (iSoftwareReviews 2010). Avira AntiVir Mobile provides professional virus and malware protection for pocket PCs, Windows mobile and Android mobile phones. BitDefender Mobile Security provides solution for virus protection and removal for PDAs and Smartphone that run on Windows mobile or Android mobile phones. BullGuard Mobile Antivirus provides solutions for protecting Pocket PCs and Windows mobile against viruses and other malicious programs. Dr.Web Mobile Security Suite is designed to provide anti-virus security solutions for pocket PCs that runs on Windows Mobile operating system. F-Secure Mobile Security is a complete mobile security software package that includes anti-virus, anti-spyware, a firewall and a remote control anti-theft feature for protection. Kaspersky Mobile Security also provides a complete protection package including Anti-theft protection, virus protection, firewall and anti-spam for SMS, EMS, and MMS. Norton Smartphone Security offers anti-virus, anti-spam, and firewall for Windows mobi le and Android mobile protection (iSoftwareReviews 2010). Protecting an android and window mobile phone from attack requires a complete understanding of all application communication. This is important because software can only protect a device if and only if it is able to read the same information as the mobile phone device, subsequently application layer threats. It may not be possible within the technological framework for antivirus software to understand application communications or analyse application behaviour through the deep inspection of intrusion prevention packets, whether on individual basis or when reassembled into their original sequence. Similarly, network-level antivirus may detect a small number of known, easily identifiable security threats by simply examining pre-programmed patterns (Citrix Systems 2006).  Installation of antivirus is the best known way of protecting android and windows mobile phones. The best types of antivirus are the application firewalls since they operate at the application layer instead of the network level. The application firewalls are able to enforce correct application behaviour while preventing any malicious activity. This is because the firewalls are able to inspect the actual internet communication and understand the context of all client requests and application responses through which they are sent to the internet. A complete mobile phone security application needs to offer full protection of all the elements of an application as well as users of the application. In most cases however, security applications for mobile phones are only limited to the application programme and application data (Citrix Systems 2006). Thesis Statement Despite web devices continuing to face significant security threats, mobile phones go completely unprotected while web browsing, downloading applications, checking e-mail, conducting online banking and connecting to social networking sites like Twitter and Facebook. While mobile attacks are increasing rapidly and hackers are financially motivated to steal data, identities, and intercept corporate communications, it has become critical to protect mobile devices such as android phone and Windows phones. Background of the study Smartphone security is the process of preventing and detecting unauthorized use of your system. Prevention measures help you to stop unauthorized users (also known as intruders) from accessing any part of your mobile phone system. Detection helps you to determine whether or not someone attempted to break into your system, if they were successful, and what they may have done. We use android and windows mobile for everything from banking and investing to shopping and communicating with others through email or chat programs. Although you may not consider your communications top secret, you probably do not want strangers reading your email, using your phone to attack other systems, sending forged email from your phone, or examining personal information stored on your phone (such as financial statements). There are a variety of antivirus software packages that operate in many different ways, depending on how the vendor chose to implement their software. What they have in common, though, is that they all look for patterns in the files or memory of your Smartphone that indicate the possible presence of a known virus. Antivirus packages know what to look for through the use of virus profiles (sometimes called signatures) provided by the vendor. New viruses are discovered daily. The effectiveness of antivirus software is dependent on having the latest virus profiles installed on your Smartphone so that it can look for recently discovered viruses. It is important to keep these profiles up to date. Chapter 2: Android Phone Emulators An android mobile phone is a phone fitted with a set of software consisting of operating systems, middleware and other major applications. The main features of android include application framework for facilitating reuse and replacement of components, Dalvik virtual machine which is optimised for mobile devices, optimised graphics, an integrated browser, media tools for common audio, video and still image formats, SQLite for structured data storage, and GSM Telephony. Other features include Bluetooth, Camera, and Rich development consisting of a device emulator, tools for debugging, memory and performance profiling. Android technology is dependent on Linux version 2.6 to power the main system servicing including security, memory management, process management, network stack, and driver models (Android Developers 2010). Android technology is made up of a multi-process system in which each application runs in its own process. A standard Linux facility is responsible for coordinating security between different applications such as user and group identifications assigned to the applications in Android mobile phone. The crux of the security applications is on the basis of the concept that no application, by default, has access to perform any operation with a potential of adversely impacting on other applications, the operating system, or the user. The applications that the Linux facility must grant permission include reading or writing the user’s private data, reading or writing another application’s file, performing network access, and keeping the device awake. The permission that an application requires is statistically declared in that application so that Linux facility can master the upfront during installation and not subject to change thereafter (Android Developers 2010). The antivirus software for mobile forms utilises various virus detection methods. The two main virus detection methods include signature based detection and behaviour based detection. Signature Based Detection makes use of virus signatures dictionary to compare the files when checking for viruses. A signature dictionary is a database containing very many virus signatures which the software manufacturer has so far found. The user is expected to continually update the virus signature directory as when new viruses, worms, Trojans, and other malicious programs appear. Failure to update the dictionary may lead to failure of the software to detect emerging viruses. The behaviour Based Detection is designed to monitor and control any activities in the device system for suspicious program behaviour. In the event that a suspicious behaviour is detected, the software probes further into that suspicious behaviour by applying the signature based detection to countercheck whether the activity is malicious or not. In the event that the suspicious program is malicious, an alert will be generated to notify the user. Android emulator is a virtual mobile device which runs on a phone system and allows the user to prototype, develop, and test android applications for possible malicious programs without necessarily using a physical device. This device mimics all the hardware and software features of a phone save for the fact that it cannot receive or make a call. As soon as a particular application starts to run on the emulator, it may make use of the services of the android platform to invoke other applications, access the network, and notify the user. The emulators also contain various debug capabilities like console from which the user can log kernel output, simulate application interrupts, and simulate latency effects and dropouts on the data channel (Android developers 2010). As stated earlier, android utilises a multi-process system in which each and every application runs on its own process. Since majority of the security between applications is granted at the process level, android emulators provide more detailed security features through a permission mechanism that enforces restriction on the specific operations that any particular process can perform and permission for granting ad-hoc access to specific pieces of data. While the emulators ensures that no application acts in a manner that can adversely affect another application, it is still possible for an application to encroach into the actions of another application as long as permission is forehand obtained in order to perform the foreign function not provided by the basic nucleus (Vennon 2010). The android emulators can also disallow these extraneous permissions on the basis of the certificates that were used to sign the application or by simply prompting the user. The permission that an application will require to function outside its nucleus is statistically declared by the emulators within the application and will be relayed to the Smartphone user, and the permission will not change. The android emulators consider malware to be malicious software designed to infiltrate a Smartphone system without the user’s informed consent (Vennon 2010).
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Education Essay Example for Free
Education Essay Someone once told me that â€Å"Education is the building blocks of one’s character†. As much as it sounds too much of a cliche’ I couldn’t help but agree with this well known quotation. Although it may be true, that one’s education cannot define a man, it also holds true that different forms of education is readily available and it makes or breaks a man into who he is in his current disposition and into who he may want to be in the future. Some people claim that education is a matter of circumstance and privilege, that in this modern day and age, only those with the proper resources can have the proper education that one may need in order to be successful. If you ask me, this is only true in the terms of getting a degree to get all the right opportunities. But in reality, real education that will lead you towards the ends of your goals in life is the education you gain in life experiences. Let’s take Bill Gates and Albert Einstein who both didn’t finish college for example, they only succeeded in their personal aspirations by learning in the arena of their life and living itself. It may be important to note that in life, one must need a model to see how life is lived and how we learn from everything we see and experience in our day to day living. It may not always be formal education that we may attribute our learnings all the time, but it is imperative that any form of education should take place in order for us to grow in all different aspects of our lives. May it be in our professional lives, personal lives or for social reasons, a learning curb can be gained by us through the years because we were educated not only on how to live life, but most importantly how to be continuously educated till there is nothing more to learn in this life which may bring us to the breaking point of death or suicide. But in both scenarios, we still know that it is an imperative that a learning experience should be observed for us to prosper in a game called life.
Friday, September 20, 2019
Report Of Business Organizations Tesco And Oxfam Business Essay
Report Of Business Organizations Tesco And Oxfam Business Essay Term of Reference: I have investigated two organizations 20/10/10 one from profit sector which is Tesco and one from non profit sector which is Oxfam. Procedure: I am going to collect relevant material of these two by using internet and textbooks. FINDINGS: I have chosen two contrasting organizations TESCO and Oxfam. Tesco is a shopping mart where we can purchase our essential things. It can also be define as a global grocery and general merchandising vendor headquartered in UK. Sir Jack Cohen founded Tesco in 1919, when he began to sell extra food stuff from a stall in the East End of London. Tesco first appeared above a shop in Edgware in 1929 and since then the company has grown and developed. Tesco is the third largest retailer in the world measured by income Tesco private limited corporation (PLC) is the biggest super mart in UK which has 29% of shares in market compared to other companies like asda which has 17% shares in market. PLC private limited company and dont allow its shares for sale publically. Plc company makes profit more than public companies. A Plc company has no limits of share and share capital and there is no limit to the members liability because there is no limitation on members liability Purpose of Tesco is to make money and invest and sale quality products. And provide reliable materials to consumers. Why do Tesco exist? Tesco exist to provide the goods and services that people and earning money and profits from business .it provides jobs for people the Tesco provides daily need products . Products that customers demand like food, clothes, Home electircs,Sound and vision ,Bed and bath, Furniture and kitchen, Clothing and jewellery, Toys and gift, Baby and toddlers, Garden needs. Products and services supplied at profit, at cost and below cost. Tesco is getting profit by introducing new brands and also selling goods at lease.tehy are getting profit on products by supplying them to other countries and at whole sale. They can sell products by introducing off packages to customers at low prices for a specific duration which means to make them as a regular customers to gain profit in future. And also out of seasons sale which shows selling at low cost. Objectives of TESCO are as tesco is UKs finest food retailers having 519 stores in England, Wales, and Scotland. And 105 stores in France managed by wine producer and 44 in Hungary managed by international. Tesco offers best reasonable prices. Tesco meets the need of customers opinions regarding advance product quality, choice, store facilities and service Tesco is the main profitable investment with progressive return. Tesco is introducing young talents and sound management of workers and training practices and giving job on marit basis not by personal relations.Tesco maintaining its relationships with product makers supplier on quality and price criteria. Tesco is co operating on making of food in industry. also Providing good environment and protection. Ownership can be defined as Employee or executive who has the principle responsibility for a business, or project The public sector in this type of ownership only British people can get ownership in Tesco to gain profit. Sole Traders controlled and financed by one person. Least expensive form of ownership to organize. Sole proprietors receive all income generated by the business to keep or reinvest. Partnerships contains 2 -20 members who share their assets and profits from business. Public Limited Companies (PLCs) shares to the general public it contains Minimum of 2 but no maximum number of shareholders Private Limited Companies contains financed and controlled by between 2 and 50 shareholders. Franchises .A business which has bought the right to trade under established name in different cities.e.g McDonalds, KFC. Co-operatives it contains Groups of people who enter business and share the benefits customers Co-operatives, Producer Co-operatives, Worker Co-operatives. Charitable trust for helping famines and collect funds from rich .and also receives funds from GOVT. OXFAM It is a trouble reliever organization which includes 14 countries organization with 3,000 partners in around 100 countries to decrease poverty and injustice .It can be define as an International organization which helps and provide training and financial aid to people in developing countries and disaster areas. A UK based organization which was established in the 1942. Oxfam is campaigns, development program and emergency response by co operation of internationally connected associations. Oxfam international was formed in 1995 by an independent non government organization. Development Works with local partner organization And helps poor and poverty. And realizing People Their rights e.g. education, health Emergency Oxfam provides life saving aids during Emergency and help people for Future Crises Campaigning Putting the pressure on leaders to make long lasting change Oxfam International is group of 13 independent association contains Germany Australia, Belgium, Canada, France, , Great Britain, New Zealand, Hong Kong, Ireland, The Netherlands, Quebec, Spain and the United States. Why Oxfam exist? Oxfam exists to make a global impact on the causes of poverty. Today mostly countries areas are facing problems and Oxfam is the most efficient organization to help them. Campaign initiatives, planning and putting into practice new tactics and strategies to spread climate change.oxfam is trying to make relationships globally with international NGOs to develop prosperity. Objectives of OXFAM: Relieve suffering caused by natural disasters.Oxfam supports peace and understanding based upon mutual tolerance and respect. Strengthen peoples capacity to help them. Oxfam works for trade justice, fair trade, education and aid, health, HIV/AIDS, conflict ,campaigning and natural disasters, human rights, and climate change. Oxfams International purpose. The main purposes of Oxfam are Promote, assist and manage relationship between the Oxfam international to do help all disasterd people globall.and earning name at international level And removing poverty OXFAM has its committee in different countries which are as under Oxfam GB (Great Britain) .Oxfam Canada.Oxfam America. Oxfam GB (Great Britain) independent non-profit organization is the biggest family for help and has large capacity of workers and income for famines . In UK OXFAM GB was originated in 1942. Oxfam Canada is first member of Oxfam International, and was developed in at start Canada Oxfam faced troubles soon Canada began to analyse its role in the development process. OXFAM in AMERICA an independent non-profit organization was developed in America in 1970 and fight for independence and shelter. Advantages of Oxfam are they dont have to pay tax. they get ready to help other. they receive money from businessman and Government. TESCO Stakeholder Stakeholder can be defined as a person, group or organization that has direct and indirect position in organization. It is affected by organizations rules, polices and decisions. Tesco has many stakeholders. Government, Customers, Employees, Local Community, Suppliers, and Pressure Groups: they all have equal importance in building of Tesco Customers. Usually a customer wants quality goods at a low cost. They would also want a variety of products to choose from key holders Diagram of stakeholder in organization Supplier Owners Government Creditors Customer Directors Workers Community Unions Key stakeholders in a business organization Customers. These are the people who buy products from shops and to save lives of needy people. Customers want reliable products and at low prices. Employees its how you manage in any situation; understand the customer; be first with the customer use your strength to deliver unbeatable value and look after the staff so they can look after the customer, teamwork trust and respect. Directors they are responsible for business objectives and managing all strategic decisions .director holds discussion at board meetings. Where they make strategy for improving business, Managers they are responsible for obtaining goals creating atmosphere of work among workers, each manager has handles accounting, law marketing, and sales production. Suppliers they supply products at commercial level like banking .they supply goods to different branches. Owners they are the business, assets holder, and pay the workers. Pressure groups not put up candidates for election, but seeks to influence government policy rules. Trade unions function is discuss pay and working conditions and creates discipline among workers Employee Associations they set up pay packages and employees for resolving argument. Stakeholders of Oxfam Stakeholder can be defined as a person, group or organization that has direct and indirect position in organization. It is affected by organizations rules, polices and decisions. Volunteers they are the workers who help in building Oxfams strength. Volunteering is a personal Choice, not a compulsory job. Express values in activities that are meaningful. And co operates for helping in medicine, education, or emergency rescue. Campaign supporters The Individuals, celebrities, politicians and organizations across the run campaign for collecting funds and to remove illiteracy and poverty. Individual donors this types of donors can make decisions faster, they mostly work in under developed countries to make them growing countries, and feel this easy to work alone. Donate personally money, clothes for removing poverty. Customers are the main participant in organization. They help by buying food, drinks, and also help organization by used drink bottles and wrappers for recycling and make collection for Oxfam. Without their involvement it is not possible collecting money for Oxfam. Employees they are workers of Oxfam and work in flood relieving, food preparation, palcing people in save places when they get infected. Pressure groups they help in protesting if Government is not funding properly.ank manage strike on roads, institutes, cites and encourage people for infected s help from Govt. FUNCTIONAL AREA OF TESCO Board of Directors Finance department Marketing sales department Production department Finance manager Accountant Marketing manager Area sales manager Sales staff Production manager Production supervisor Production workers Human resource department Human resource manager Clerical assistant ICT department Board of directors people are the people of tesco who have decision-making rights, voting rights specific responsibilities which in each case are separate and distinct from the authority and responsibilities of owners and managers of the business entity. Finance department is responsible of balance sheets, profit and loss of tesco and responsible to keep records of fund and all planning of Tesco financial income and loss. Finance manager duties are to make investment sheets ,financial reports, activities, and implement cash management strategies. Accountant helps managers to make reports, investments (savings), and tax implementations. Handles profit loss details, cost production, financial statements. Marketing sales department function is to understand users needs and fulfil requirements with quality of goods and also pay attention to their demands and fulfil that correctly. Sales manager sales out products and provide services to the customer for the profit and want to become finest retailer. They ake products available for all customers. Production Tesco is to make sure that the goods of Tesco are formed on time and is in a suitable quality for the customers. And maintain furniture. Production managers duty is to handle all kind of goods preparation demands and duration when product will get ready for customers and at given time and at exact time and standard. Production workers made goods according to the user demands and works exactly in uniform way. They have to know all about what customer wants and what kind of material should use. Human resources keep hold of good experienced staff and only choose hardworking employees and They deal with the recruitment, employees, planning, training and paying to employees. ICT (International Computers and Tabulators) its main function is to check that all data of Tesco is stored properly. All computer software are working, all business websites are accessing.( FUNCTIONAL AREA OF OXFAM Oxfam ambassadors Political counsellors Deputy Chief of mission Defence attached Economic counsellor Public affairs Chief security assistant Administrative counsellor Director Counsellor office Agency representatives Director Peace Corps Ambassadors are the highly ranked representative within a nation for other organization. and directly linked by Government. Political counsellors/ Deputy Chief of mission/ Defence attached they all are directly attached with ambassador an communicate all society problem with each other and make decisions Director is a group of people nominated by the owners of a business who have decision-making authority, voting authority specific responsibilities which in each case is separate and distinct from the authority and responsibilities of owners and managers of the business entity Deputy Chief of missionHe or she acts like a ambassador in absence of chief of mission. He handles matter in absence of chief of mission Political, Economic, Public Affairs, Management) at the Embassy,. Director Peace Corps US company that sends American volunteers to developing countries for educational, agricultural improvements. Tesco Mission and values Planning, calculating and the passing of information form rival is called mission. Tescos mission is to earn profit and sale pure goods. And to sale goods online by using website and public dealing in good manner to make regular customers and create significance for customers to earn their lifetime reliability. Values Values of an organization defines it standards. They show Respect to each others Try to give their best. Want to be energetic and fit. Tesco strategies to become are successful international trader, to become famous business party. To be good food provider to put community at the heart of what we do. Objectives Tesco increasing customers by offering buy 1 gets 1 free. Tesco offers best reasonable prices. Tesco meets the need of customers opinions regarding advance, product quality, choice, store facilities and service Tesco is the main profitable investment with progressive return. Tesco is introducing young talents and sound management of workers and training practices and giving job on merit basis not by personal relations. Tesco maintaining its relationships with supplier (product makers) on strict quality and price criteria.Tesco is co operating on making of food in industry. Provides good environment and protection Strategic Planning Tesco is trying to make shopping easy and comfortable. Seeking to low price to help people Lessing prices. Smart objectives of Tesco Specific Tesco wants to make profit its sale. Measurable Tesco is leading in business by its major shares in market. Achievable Tesco achieve its goal by increasing its customers and making profits. Tesco has achieved it by good quality products. Realistic Tesco is third big company in world. OXFAM Mission It acts for attitudinal change to facilitate in development, socially and economically. It helps famine and giving life to them. Values satisfactory behavior within organization. Behavior of individuals within the organization. And Flexible commitment. Use time and resources efficiently Strategic aims and objectives Oxfam works for trade justice, fair trade, education and aid, health, HIV/AIDS, conflict ,campaigning and natural disasters, human rights, and climate change. and supporting children by educating them and providing food. Oxfam strategic planning process Oxfam is worlds 3rd largest nonprofit organization and Oxfam strategic planning process is to works for the removal of poverty. To fight homelessness and also for the development of undeveloped area and for progress of organization. Smart objectives of Oxfam Specific Reducing Poverty is specific objective. Measurable Oxfam is responding to 26 emergency situations worldwide. Relevant skills Oxfam is finding people who have skills to tackle problems. Time-based Oxfam includes 14 countries union working in more than 100 countries. M1 Point of Views of different stakeholders Directors the business through meetings with top managers and managing stretegies for progress of tesco.Employees should work hard on making good quality products that will make profit and also increase pay and conditions of Employees and also helpful for safety, health and pension arrangements. Customers views are to getting latest brands and saving by low price products. D1 Evaluate the influence different stakeholders exert in one organization Stakeholders stand for great influence in organization. Developing countries employees make fashionable clothes and brands to exert little power over their employers to give them jobs and getting new products. Owners are the organizations main stakeholders and gain profit and pays all bills and wages to workers and remain profit shares with shareholders directors pay attention to make strategy and decisions regarding organization Government influences by law rights to change behaviour of environmental or health and safety. Employees exert main role in business profit or loss. When the economy is active they work hard and make extra products. Customers also create great influence within an organization by purchasing products from store or online at low prices. Conclusion I was given an Assignment of two contrasting organizations Tesco and Oxfam. I found that both organizations are serving better in their departments and both are for people. in both organizations stake holder are more important participant because if you dont have too many stake holder and your profitable and non profitable organizations will not succeed in their missions. Recommendations I would like to recommend the both different organization one is profit gaining Tesco and nonprofits gaining Oxfam have good customer connection because Oxfam is an international charity which is focused on fighting poverty and providing them shelter.and Tesco is providing daily needs products for customers and also providing funds to Oxfoam so that they can participate in decreasing poverty. So both plays important role for customers.
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